Baby Hughes - Hughes Brothers

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You can skip this one if you'd like. This is a POV of the Hughes 6 year old sister. I like the idea so I'mma write it. This will hop POVs multiple times. Also, Quinn won't be in this one but I'll make another Skylar one. Also keep a lookout for her in other imagines 😉

Jack's POV

"Sky!" Mom yelled at my little sister. "I have a surprise for you!" 

I came home for May long weekend to not only see my mom and dad, but my sister. Even though we have a pretty big age gap, she's like my other half. Not to brag but I've taught her everything she knows.

Sky came running down the stairs. She looked down at the stairs below her so she doesn't slip. I put my bags down before she looked up. When Skylar looked at me, she almost immediately ran into my open arms.

"Jacky!" She yelled while running. I hugged her tight as mom left the room to bring my bags to my room. I was crouching down to her height so that I could hug her. I stood up with her arms around my neck and legs around my back and ran into the backyard.

"Don't break your sister!" Dad yelled from the barbeque. I rolled my eyes and pretended to drop her, to which she screamed and laughed. "Where's Luke?" 

"He's coming." I replied. "He had to take a later flight since the team had him doing stuff." 

"Alright." Dad said. "Oh yeah. We're heading up to the lake house tomorrow. You coming?"

"Sure, why not. I took the next couple weeks off to spend with my favourite Hughes." I smiled, tickling the girl in my arms to which she squirmed and ran into the house. The front door opened a few seconds later and I heard Luke fall onto the floor while laughing.

"Hey Sky." He said while still laughing. Sky smiled and cuddled into his arms. Me and Sky were close, but her and Luke being the two youngest were like twins even though they're 13 years apart.

Luke's POV

Sky was falling asleep slowly, so I stood up and brought her to her room and tucked her in. She whispered a soft "night night" as usual. A smile took over my face as I left the room. I went downstairs to find mom making desert.

"Can me and Jack steal Sky?" I asked her. She looked at me and started laughing lightly. "What? I miss her and I barely get to see her." I pouted. 

"You can take her with you for the summer if you want." Mom offered. I was shocked that she even put it out there.

"Wait actually?" She nodded. I ran outside to find Jack and dad talking. "Jack!" 

"What?" He asked me. "Oh God what did you do this time."

"Nothing." I said, rolling my eyes. "But, mom said that Sky can come with us for the summer. We have an extra bedroom. Pleaseee." I begged him.

"Well duh." Jack said. Once again, I was shocked. "It's our sister! Did you think you'd need to convince me?" 

"True." I said, smiling like a dumbass. 

"Dinners ready!" Dad said. We put the food out on the outdoor patio and I went to get Skylar.

"Lil S." I whispered. Lil S is my nickname for her since she's so much younger and, well, her name is Skylar. "Wake up. Dinner's ready." She groaned which caused me to chuckle. I tickled her and she jumped up and ran downstairs.

"Help!" Sky yelled, hiding behind Jack. "The tickle monster!" 

"Oh really?" Jack said while looking around. When he spotted me he ran to me and tackled me onto the grass. This went on for about 5 minutes before mom decided to break us up.

"Well, one way to say hi to your baby sister."


Keep a lookout for Skylar Hughes in imagines after this one.

WC: 645

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