Court - UMich Boys

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Since y'all liked this idea so much for some reason

Third-Person POV

Jillian and the boys are currently playing hide and seek around the house. The boys are all hidden (in very obvious spots) while she is out looking for them. So far she's found Erik, Luke, Adam and Ethan. The doorbell rang so Ethan got up to go get it while Jill ran around the second floor.

"Uh can I help you?" He asked as a young woman, maybe in her later 20s, was at the door.

"Yeah. I'm looking for my daughter that I dropped here a few months ago? Uhh..what's her name..Julie?" She ordered and just welcomed herself in. 

"Excuse me? Can you get out of my house please?" He demanded as politely as he could. She gave him a stink eye and caught Jillian as she ran past.

"Let's go sweetie." She smiled. Jill's eyes widened as she squirmed her way into Luke's arms. Luke grabbed her and walked away from the woman. "Uh, that's my daughter?" She said rudely.

Luke shook his head as Jillian tried getting away from the woman. Luke understood and walked away into the living room and sat down with her to play games on his phone. YOU GOT GAMES ON YOUR PHONE? I'm sorry.

"I'll take this to court if I have to." The woman threatened the 9 boys around her. The boys living there are: Luca, Adam, Luke, Ethan, Mark, Erik, Nolan, Rutger, and Noah. 

"Go for it." Nolan spoke up for the boys, who all nodded in agreement. She huffed and mumbled something saying she will before leaving. They all shared nervous looks.

"We're all Uni kids y'all." Luca spoke up for the group. "There's no way we'll win." He sadly said.

They all silently looked around. All of them were ready to give up before Adam spoke up beside his brother.

"Well there's still a chance? I mean, that woman didn't even know Jillian's name. Plus Jill doesn't want to leave." Adam stated the obvious. They all had looks of realization.

"We have a chance.." Rutger whispered happily. 

Now they had to wait.

*Three days later in court*

Representing the boys in court was Nolan, Ethan, Luca and Adam. They had a game so coach said only four of them could go and they chose the four with the best points of argument. Jillian was there with them, sitting on Ethan's lap since she wouldn't let go of him knowing what one of the possibilities were of this day. 

He hugged her close and whispered things in her ear to keep her distracted from the judge in front of her which was working. The woman walked up to the judge and gave very bad reasons on why she should have custody. "She's my daughter." "I gave birth to her." Those are just some. Nolan walked up to represent the boys.

"For the last 5 months since Jillian's mother left her at our house, we've taken good care of her while keeping up with our classes and hockey." He began. "She loves coming to our hockey as well so we spend lots of time with her doing that. You could even look up a video from last week that was everywhere of Ethan skating around the ice with Jill before our game against Ohio State. We love her like a sister, all of the boys in the house. Only four of us could make it today because our coach could only let four of us go." He looked to Luca and they swapped out.

"As Nolan said, we love the girl like a sister. Me and Adam only ever had each other, never a little sister or anyone so it's been so fun having her around. She's such a nice girl and she's very active. She has so many interests that she has taught me over the months, like art and fun games around the house." He took a deep breath as his emotions started getting the best of him. "I honestly couldn't picture my career in University without her. She brings all of us so much joy and makes us all so happy." He and Adam glanced at each other before switching out.

"None of the boys want her to leave. She doesn't want to leave. We've all grown into one family over the last few months. We all teach each other new things. Luca teaches us how to cook because none of us can, Nolan teaches us all responsibility since he's the most responsible of us all, I teach them with my amazing sense of humor." Everyone laughs a bit at that. "But most importantly, Jillian teaches us about happiness and joy. No matter how bad of a loss we have or maybe just a genuine bad day, she'll make us all smile." He finishes and sits down.

The judge looks like he has a few tears in his eyes at the boys speeches as Ethan his holding the girl as close as he can while the other three boys are closing their eyes and silently praying that they won't need to say goodbye. The judge looked up and opened his mouth to speak.

"I have made my decision.." The judge started. The boys all looked up, their hearts pounding in their chests. "I have decided that the custody of Miss Jillian Byers will go 100% to.."

*Hockey house*


The boys all walked into the hockey house 3 hours later. The game was long over and they won 2-1. The hockey house boys were elsewhere in their heads and didn't play very well in the game. They all ran over upon hearing the door open. The four boys walked in with their heads hung low.

"So.." Luke asked after a minute. The boys stayed silent before Luke noticed something. "Where's Ethan and Jill?" Nolan smirked and moved over to show Ethan carrying a sleeping Jill in his arms.

Mark immediately started silently celebrating and ran up to the roof (through a window upstairs) and celebrated, Luke going up there to make sure he didn't accidentally fall off the roof and kill himself.

Ethan put Jill to bed and stayed in there for a few extra minutes, just thanking the heavens above that he didn't lose his little sister. Maybe she hasn't been around long, but she truly is someone that Ethan loves so much and he can't imagine life without her.


Did I give y'all a scare?

Y'all wanted this so much for some reason but like here we are. I wrote it. Boom chicka boom.

WC: 1077

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