Opening Season Loss - Zach Benson

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I'm loving third person POV rn so until I say so, all the imagines under this are third person.

"I failed all the fans, Kels!" Zach cried out as his girlfriend wrapped her arms around him. Tears fell down his cheeks at a quick rate as he dug his face into her neck.

Kelsey shushed him softly as her hands found his hair. "You didn't fail anyone, Z." She voiced as the boy shook his head in disagreement. "Zach it was one of your first games. You need to stop putting so much pressure on yourself." She quieted with each word.

"Why can't I be as good as Bedard?" He asked his girlfriend. Kelsey sighed.

"Nobody's as good as Bedard, bud. But that doesn't mean that you're not good. I mean, you're in the NHL! Plus, if you were as good as him, you'd have all the extra stress of the media on top of the stress of the game and no one wants that." She reassured him. He looked down as her words sunk into his mind.

He sighed deeply and nodded in acceptance. She smiled and pulled him towards the car to drive back home. Her hand held his as he kept one hand on the wheel, occasionally sneaking short glances towards the girl. A small smile secured on his face as he realized he had met the love of his life.


I don't like how I ended this but whatever.

It took my 3 days to write this-

WC: 247

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