Your Idiot - Carter Hart

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Edited 02/15/2024 (reluctantly)

Boldy and Seeler are getting pulled apart now and sent to the bo- WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT! CARTER HART AND MARC-ANDRE FLEURY HAVE DROPPED THE GLOVES

Sitting in the front row, this was giving Marley more anxiety than usual. Carter is a goalie for Christ sake! He doesn't fight, he stops pucks from going in! It's what he loves. He even told her that one of the reasons he chose goalie is because he doesn't like fighting.

So what happened? Did Carter chirp, or did Fleury chirp? Are they doing it for entertainment of the fans? Was Fleury mad since his team is losing?

The only thing that brought her out of her thoughts was the two goalies being sent back through the tunnels, and Sandstrom and Gustavsson coming out with full gear, going to their respective nets. She shook her head at Carter fighting. What was he thinking?

"Excuse me?" A voice snapped Marley out of her thoughts once more. "Are you Marley Scott?" The security asked me.

"Yes. Why?" She asked the guard.

"Could you come with me? Carter asked for you." She nodded in response, following her down to the all to familiar locker room. The security guard opened the door to reveal an injured Carter Hart, holding an ice pack to his shoulder and the bottom half of his gear still on.

Marley mumbled a quick thank you to the security guard who brought her down before rushing to the goalie. Before he could say anything, she smacked him on the back of the head.

"Ow! What was that for?" Carter asked, holding the back of his head with a small pout.

"What were you thinking? Fighting Fleury, what was it for? Entertainment? Did some chirp? Was he mad? Were you m-" Marley was cut off by him chuckling. "What?"

"It's just-" He started laughing again before he continued. "None of those," He added, laughing again. "We were told to by Boldy as he was being brought out since he wanted it." 

"Oh?" She questioned. 

"Come here." He told her, patting the spot on his none injured shoulder. She sat down beside him and started checking him for any injuries other than his shoulder, finding nothing but a few cuts and bruises here and there.

"I'm okay." Carter whispered, taking her hands in his. Marley looked back up into his eyes. "See? I'm all fine." He started wiggling his fingers, then stood up and started dancing while she and Gary Dorshimer, the head medical physician, were laughing their asses off.

Carter grabbed his phone and played the Macarena and started dancing to the Macarena until the buzzer went, indicating the end of the period. 

"Never fight again." Marley told Carter sternly when she was told she had to leave. "Goalie fights may be entertaining, but not when it's my boyfriend."

Carter walked up to Marley, cupping my face in his hands and kissing my forehead. He pulled away and smirked. "I make no promises." 

"You're such an idiot." She laughed with a shake of her head.

"But I'm your idiot."

As soon as Carter said that, they heard a bunch of "OoOoHs" and cheers from behind her, turning around to see the entire team there to witness the moment. Oh God. 

Marley ran out of that room before she could be dragged into anything. God she hated hockey players sometimes, but man are they comedians.


I've been seeing the almost fight between Fleury and Binnington, and I wanted to write something off of that and just needed the right goalies.

Edit: I did the bare minimum on this btw. If he is proven innocent I'll come back and do a better job but he barely deserves to still be in this book

WC: 613

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