Rivals In Love/Proud Brother - Sarah Nurse/Trevor Zegras ig?

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Mommy? I mean- whattttt...

This is a Sarah one but she's gone for most of it and Trevor is in a lot so ig he is too? He don't get a pic tho.

This is a gay one because I'm BISEXUAL but if y'all gonna hate then leave please.

Me and Sarah have been dating for a year now. We met through hockey, me playing for team USA and her playing for team Canada. This hurt to write as a Canadian but THE PLOT. We both live together now and play on the same team. I did, however, live in Anaheim after being born in Bedford, so I play for team USA.

Another fun fact, I'm Trevor Zegras's sister. Crazy, right? We look nothing alike too. I have curly, blonde hair while he has wavy, brown hair. That's just the beginning. I'm older than Trevor which I like to rub in his face a lot. I'm 28, same as Sarah, while Trevor is only 22.

Anyways, I was selected for team USA and I'm being labeled as Captain this year. Sarah has also been selected for team Canada. We were both stoked when we heard, immediately arguing playfully about who the better team was. Team Canada. Duhh.

Sarah flew in to see her parents for a few days so I was all alone. She's coming back today though. I thought I was alone until I heard a knock at the door. I rolled my eyes and got up to open it, revealing my little big brother. He may be younger than me but he's a fucking giant.

"What the hell?" I questioned after a minute. He smirked and jumped onto me, bringing us both tumbling to the ground. "Ow. Get your fat ass off of me." I laughed.

"I know I have a nice ass thank you very much." He replied with a playful tone. I pushed him off of me with struggle and groaned when he flopped back on me. "You're not being a very nice sister you know." He joked. I smacked his head.

He got off of me a few minutes later and brought his bag to the spare room. I went into the kitchen to make food since it was lunch time. Trev walked into the kitchen and sat on the counter. 

"Why're you here?" I asked him as I threw a few burgers into the air fryer. I think I spelt that wrong.

He shrugged. "I wanted to come celebrate you making it onto team USA again this year with you in person." He smiled slightly. I threw myself into his arms when he said that. 

Me and Trevor have always been close. Even though we have an age gap, we've done everything together. I taught him how to skate, play hockey, how to flirt with girls, and we've had so many late night discussions on girlfriend drama it's crazy. 

When I moved away from New York, we made a deal with each other that we'd always have a place in our homes for the other. We have two extra bedrooms in the apartment so that we can have a guest room and a Trevor room. He designed his own decor and stuff in his room when he came to help me and Sarah move in.

"You're to sweet for me." I mumbled into his neck as he laughed. I smacked his head again and he smacked mine back.

I heard the door open and Sarah walked into the apartment. She put her bags down and walked into the kitchen. She started laughing seeing me and Trevor smacking one another. I turned around and ran up to her, launching onto her. She was expecting it though and caught me.

"Hey bub." She smiled and kissed my head. Trevor walked over to the air fryer and took out the food. "Sup Trev." She nodded. He waved back like a little kid and somehow burnt himself on the hot metal. 

We spent the rest of the night laughing and reminiscing over the past, me embarrassing Trev a few times. Even though we may be rivals, who says we can't love each other? Even though we're rivals, who says my brother can't be proud of not only me but Sarah Nurse as well?


I have mixed feelings about this one lol

WC: 710  

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