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"Move it!" Taehyung barked at the guy that hurt Jimin awhile ago good thing they didn't break his legs or else it would be hard to move him, they tied his hands and made sure he won't do anything stupid like he did earlier. He was walking between Taehyung and Namjoon while Yoongi was on the look out of Taemin watching him closely on his every step, Yoongi might be a lazy bum and little to no say but he was helpful now that they need him.

Hobi and Jin were on the front line leading the rest while Jungkook was behind them with Jimin ofcourse, a few of Kai's group members offered to be on the look out of missing Hangbin Incase he was snooping around for some funny bussiness. All in all it was good by the time being the Walk itself was silent but that gave them a chance to listen to the sounds the cave gave in.

Sounds of water droplets that sounded like music to the ears it was beautiful to listen to, and birds chirping from up above nature was beautiful to listen to if only they could grasp it. Walking from the center of this mountain which was wide and open they reached to the narrow tall walls which of course could fit in a person but weird that there wasn't any sound here it was too dense silent that you could feel the silent swallowing you in it was a weird feeling for sure.

"You good?" Jungkook whispered to Jimin who had his head in the crook of his neck "hmm, with the best boyfriend nothing could happen to me" he giggled as Jungkook chuckled they were into their own Jikook world like they only existed ofcourse it's their world your not invited. *Evil laugh*

"Jungkook" they both came out of their heavens when Hobi called and joined them more like interrupt "am sorry to interrupt your lovey dovey but.." he pointed to the far path that led to nowhere they knew it was mysterious "we need to first have it checked out" he said Jungkook already getting his point "Baby?" He called his boyfriend who hummed and replied "don't worry about me I will be ok..." he suggested but Jungkook seeming no where near to agree to that but before he could say something Hobi interrupted "Jungkook he won't be safe other than here besides we only checking it out then come back yeah?" Hobi tried and Jungkook sighed turning and looking at the rest he didn't want to leave him all alone "you" he called the Youngest boy among them "yes" turns out it was munchkin "don't worry I will stay with him no matter what you can count on me" he quickly dedicated before even Jungkook could say anything, Jungkook carefully placed Jimin down who leaned to the wall he felt really weak the drugs will be ineffective in hours he had a long way, Munchkin quickly placed himself beside Jimin who smiled and ruffled his hair "go already I will be waiting for you" Jimin promised and Jungkook knelt down and had a quick meet up with his plump lips "I'll be back before you know it" he nodded and Jungkook walked off Munchkin on the other side had his jaw dropped he's never seen a kiss so close to his eyes even his cheeks were beet red.

"Keep an eye on him and you I will back for you" Taehyung told one of the archeologist who he once worked with and threatened the man who has been bounded by ropes, he looked back and saw Jimin with Munchkin and that gave him a relief, he was not yet ready to face Jimin so he walked away instead.

Everyone headed to the said passage leaving only four people behind but coming back for them soon, it was silent for a minute before the bastard started to laugh out loud "look at you weaklings, if only you didn't interrupt this wouldn't happen" he laughed like a maniac "keep it down" the man on guard warned and he kept mum because he had a weapon on him he could burst his brains out.

Just when they were silent again feet stomps could be heard coming from somewhere "is anyone else here?" Munchkin asked looking around only to feel a voice beside him "guess who?" he jumped from his sitting Position only to be met with the dirty face of Hangbin "you bastard" munchkin said with hatred "respect your elders haven't they taught you manners" he gave him a dirty grin "don't you dare touch him" he heard Jimin warn making him look back "aww what a pretty sight" Hangbin said grabbing Jimin's jaw and pressing it hard "hey you" the archeologist across called with a warning voice keeping his eyes on the both men "get away from him" he warned coming close and Hangbin only grinned, what they didn't realize is the tied up man was set free in the rope and with a hard hit on the head he was down.

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