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Jungkook slightly groaned when a strong pungent smell of blood hit his nostrils he can tell it was blood for decades it wasn't new to him after all the mafia wasn't just any play game. He slowly opened his blurred eyes as he tried to look around when he could finally see the empty dirty room, walls painted with red and different kind of weapons all the place yes a torture chamber.

Jungkook was reminded of how he got here in the first and tsk his right full thoughts "bastard" he mumbled as he looked where he was currently put. He was literally hanging on the ropes tied to his hands as a chair was in front of him, seems someone was here, just then he heard shuffling outside the closed metal door which finally opened revealing a man in a black cloak making his way inside "who the fuck are you?" Jungkook asked coldly as he tried to oversee the hood on the person's head "tsk tsk how can you not know me?" He faked a gasp as Jungkook tried to recall the voice it was so damn familiar "try again I know you can do it" and that's it, Jungkook chuckled as he tsk "Taemin you bastard how the hell you still alive" he looked down on him as the other clapped his hands "well damn your a smart one" Taemin grinned as he took off the hood on his head and looked up to Jungkook who had a disgusted face "did you just run away from hell?" He snickered getting Taemin ball up his fists in anger, yes Jungkook wants that, he was surprised how he was alive 'could he be the other person that came out from the dark?' he wondered, it must be him he was sure of it.

"Well whatever you think, don't you know what really happened?" It was his turn to smirk as he saw the confused look on Jungkook "and you thinking I would believe you" Taemin took a seat as he looked up at Jungkook silently before raising his hand as balling them up just then Jungkook to feel something choking him, completely cutting short of his breath for a while as he turned pale and just then he let go "see?" He bragged as Jungkook didn't know what the fuck just happened, Taemin was just sat then how .... Fuck the books were true after all.

"Believe me now?" Jungkook went speechless "what happened that day?" Jungkook asked as Taemin grinned "thought you would never ask, all of your assess were half dead when we came out of the tomb I was the first to wake up and guess what?" he stood up excitedly "the whole place was all treasure it was shiny all over" he grinned as Jungkook tried to fix up all the puzzles "do you know what the tomb signifies, every man's wishes. I wanted to be strong and I got it I feel it through my veins" he raised his hand as he threw a few things here and there, "and the treasure I have it all, I have nothing to loose am powerful" what a dirty scumbag, was this man still sane, Jungkook gave him a dirty look.

"I don't get it,..." Jungkook started "if you have everything with you then why the fuck you are working under my uncle when you could be your own boss" Jungkook was really pulling his strings "oh I almost forgot the loyal dog huh?" and that's it Taemin lost it as he walked to Jungkook throwing him punches
Taemin had gone rampant as Jungkook kept on provoking him, after all he was getting his questions answered "shut the fuck up, I can always do better than him" he screamed as he picked up a bloody bat and kept on hitting Jungkook's sides, he groaned but didn't show any pain or fear "accept it, you will always be a dog!" Jungkook continued as Taemin seemed more agitated and red angry, the scar on his half face kept on growing and burning to the other side whenever Jungkook said something unpleasant to him, Jungkook noticed 'i get it now' he kept studying him, he was hit a couple of times until enough was enough "fighting a tied up man what's the fun in it, does it sound fair to you?" Jungkook knew what he was saying, he got his answers already and guess what time to repay back, it wasn't long enough Taemin was convinced to let Jungkook down so they could fight one on one "I'll show you who is a real dog!" he raised his bat once more Jungkook covering his face "damn idiot, don't hit myself I wouldn't want my baby to worry" Jungkook complained as Taemin gave him a wtf face, "guess I'll have to disfigure you properly" he grinned heading for his head.

Taemin would have known better than setting free Jungkook's hands because he was definitely doomed, Jungkook dodged his bat as he ran behind him and jumped a very tight punch on him, he didn't let him recover and punched him all over his body like a maniac and Taemin found himself falling down flat on his face "weakling!" Jungkook said as he wiped off the blood on his bursted lip "couldn't even tell I was buying you time, what powerful are you even talking about" he snickered.

Jungkook went on looking to where he was locked into, the warehouse was deep in the woods what a loner but good for him "and now you stay here" he concluded as he looked through the objects that could bind him up until he was back.
He walked out assured he tied him real good and walked to the car that Taemin had used to bring them here, he looked at his face in the mirror and groaned in disbelief, "Baby will definitely kill me when he sees this" he sighed driving back to the mansion, ofcourse the Jeon mansion, he got what he wanted.
Walking inside he was met with the two drinking wine in celebration of whatever they were celebrating, they abruptly stopped and looked wide eyed to Jungkook "surprised to see me alive?" Jungkook smirked as he walked in the house barefoot as he left back blood footprints they would at least leave his shoes on him bastards "you can't easily get rid of me" he gave a side eye to his uncle and aunt before walking up to his room and locking himself in that was enough for today.
The Sunday early morning Jin, Hobi nor Namjoon didn't stop looking for Jungkook, he was like missing and it has got them so worried "that's it am going to the mansion" Namjoon declared as he picked up what he needed waiting in silence wasn't helping at all, and the two couldn't agree more, just then he was about to step out a ring came to his phone and looking down it was none other than Jungkook "where the hell were you, do you know how worried we got!!" Namjoon started by scolding him as Jungkook apologized "hyung we need to discuss something new I got" Jungkook started as Namjoon seemed confused "but where were you since yesterday?" Namjoon wanted serious explanations "hyung if you guys don't come how will you know?" He pointed a very nice point as he finally convinced them to his office "Hobi...." he called out "I can hear you" "hmm do me a favour" Jungkook requested "sure thing"
"Can you go over to Jimin's keep him company let him know am ok and he shouldn't worry" Hobi scoffed "and who says can convince the park Jimin, Jungkook I swear...." Hobi was almost backing out, he doesn't want to be questioned "c'mon you can do it, am in big trouble he can't see me like this" Jungkook tried again to convince and Hobi sighed agreeing and now he will have to face Taehyung, what an awkward atmosphere it will be but he agreed anyway.
Jimin was walking left and right in his room biting his nails nervously as he looked at his phone praying for any call or text "he'll call chim" he heard Taehyung shout from outside his door he knew what was stressing him, "he never called how can I be calm about it" and that's it he had enough and took his bike keys, yes he had a bike he rarely used and today it might get some use.
Just as he got out he found Taehyung on the door way talking to none other than Hobi "hey" he greeted as he made himself in "Jungkook, I can't get to him why?" Jimin right away asked as Hobi gave him a reassuring smile "let's hangout I'll tell you more" he smiled nervously as Jimin contemplated but never the less agreed, Hobi should get talking now.....





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