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"We....can do it...."
"Baby I will always be here....."

Suddenly there was a jolt on the bed as the woman sat along it flinched due to the action she wasn't expecting "urghhh" the man on the bed groaned his stitches tempered with and wide eyes like he saw something shocking through his eyes
"Oh my God Jungkook you woke" that voice..... 'how annoying' is all he could think as a headache hit him was he sensitive now?
"I will call the nurses" she stood up and ran to the door looking like some worried woman "how fake" is all Jungkook could mumble.

He looked around where he was laid to, AVS attached to various parts of his body a beeping machine that was across, and that bright light through the windows "what time is it?" He was really confused and continued to look around the room, all it did was smell medicines and spirit ew he hated that, he tried to move but his hand sent a sharp pain that he could feel to his head bringing back the headache "fuck what even happened....?" he dug deep in his memories but just then another pain hit him making him fall to the bed and groaning in pain yet again but just then the doctor arrived

"Relax mr. Jungkook you just woke up" the doctor helped him lay back as Jungkook looked at him confused "how long was I out?" he asked "not counting by the time you were found, but when you were brought here you were in a coma for Seven days" 7_? he fell speechless as the headache kept on fucking his mind "get...rid of it!" He almost shouted clutching onto his head the nurses bursting and helping the doctor to calm him down because he was literally freaking out now.

Jungkook for the second time of the day opened up his eyes, first of all they felt dry almost hurt opening them again, this time the light didn't burst his pupils and his head wasn't hurting much. Down to his body all the strings were off him now but his arm was in the cast strapped to his neck.

"Don't worry it was the effects of the drugs that gave you a headache but you won't get it again" the doctor assured him and signalled him a cup of water which to that he nodded he felt so damn dry. To the side was his so called aunt who was busy typing away on her phone but he doesn't care about that the question was, what exactly happened and how he reached here.

'wait hold on.....' Jungkook focused more on his fuzzy memories as he tried to remember the last thing he did to get him end up here. 'th...the tomb yes the golden one, it was bright it became hotter and everything fell in shreds and.....' he snapped his eyes open 'the rocks.....fell' he could feel his hurt constrict uncomfortably that last second wasn't the best memory to keep. His aunt and doctor looked at him questioningly "are you ok?" He was concerned because he was sure the younger was doing just fine "how did I reach here?" He asked almost in a whisper "we picked you!" A stern voice said and Jungkook looking up was met by dark eyes boring holes onto his already bruised body "uncle..." He called "glad you remember me" he scoffed.

"we picked you across the shores.." he said emphasizing the word shores like it should be printed onto his brain "shores.." Jungkook himself was confused "exactly my point the shores" he repeated again like it was a big scene of sort. At this point the nurses were already out leaving Jungkook and his two guardians more like demons with him, the audacity of not even asking about his health but wanting to know where the damn treasure was.

"So... " His uncle leaned closer "did.you find.it" he asked carefully but Jungkook could only groan the headache was back 'i can't even remember my second name what does he expect me to say what even happened' Jungkook couldn't tell anything by now.

The doctor suddenly burged in "am sorry to interrupt but your not helping my patient he just woke up" he explained Jungkook was so thankful he came in "and might loose his senses" he added and I could see uncle seemed to be convinced "he just woke up give him time" to that uncle nodded and stood up "will be waiting for you at home" I know what he means by that but I know he wont act rushly because his depending on my answers, with that the two walked out finally letting me breathe as I tried again to remember, the doctor already out to give me space.

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