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"What the hell did I step in?"Hobi almost screamed in the dark, hand tightly clutched onto Taehyung who was forced to stop running and halt back "what now? We have to move" he tried to reason but it wasn't Hobi's fault "I feel my foot stuck in some warm liquid eww I don't know but it feels gross on my feet" Hobi complained and Taehyung sighed taking out a very tiny touch switching it on it was deam but atleast it wasn't dead "huh you had that all along?" Hobi asked in surprise "it's not like it would've help atleast per now it can" Tae said as a matter of fact and Hobi for once went quite I mean doesn't he get tired of talking he was getting on his nerves already.

"Stay still" Teahyung more like ordered because he felt he was dealing with a kid right now how annoying, Hobi stopped struggling and held onto Taehyung's neck who bent down to look at the stuck problem.

It was silent for awhile until Hobi couldn't take the silence anymore "say something you are getting me worried" he complained and Taehyung slowly rose up pointing his small eye touch around their surrounding before he mumbled "shit!" Hobi was still confused because Tae wasn't filling him in.

Taehyung slowly and quitely took his foot out getting completely silent until Hobi decided to ruin it "say someth-" his mouth was held shut as Taehyung whispered to him "look around" and so did Hobi whose eyes widen and he looked down to what he stepped "shit" he breathed they were fucked now weren't they.

Turns out the sticky mess earlier was actually an egg, Hobi stepped on an egg not sure which creature it belonged to "Is this what am thinking?" He wanted to be wrong but damn he wasn't, across them were many more eggs that seemed to have a very abnormal size almost twice big than them and the small ones seemed to have been growing "we have to get out of here" no sooner had Tae said that than they heard a hiss from across "it's definitely a snakeu" Hobi was already trembling damn he hates those creatures to his guts "it's snake Hobi" Tae corrected "whatever I just hate them" he grossed out "we have to carefully pass through these eggs before they hatch" Tae grabbed his hand and carefully passed through the eggs but they had to make it fast before the snake comes up to them.

On the other side was another pair that almost thought they were closer to getting out of the cave only to feel their feet almost sliding off "What's wrong with the floor is it me or it's moving" he pointed out and the two looked down only not to be met with something rocky but something softer and weird, looking back up again in shock they were met with the owner of the body and before they could even scream they were wholly swallowed nothing on them left behind.

"Do you hear that?" Munchkin asked as he felt the hiss "I do" they both replied as they halted to check their surrounding in the dark knowing pretty well it can't be helped not seeing a godamned thing at all "it feels nearer I think we should just like ran away" Jimin suggested and they did exactly that but then one step they found themselves falling into something cold "ahhh" they yelped in surprise, unfortunately there was a pond here and they fell into it abruptly "we got to move" Jungkook reminded as the hissing only got louder "wait" the three looked behind themselves only to see something more dangerous because of its glistening eyes they looked like torches "fuck" Jungkook grabbed the two who were still in a State of shock and dragged them out of the pond running to a dryer land "ahh shit" he groaned turning back to run to see the crockdile running even faster than they could, they could see a light at the tunnel they can finally make it out and so continued to run.

"Faster!" Taehyung shouted at Hobi who was really trying his best to be more faster but somethings can't be forced, fortunately they were able to make it out falling into a bunch of savannah sprayed on the around but this was not the time to admire nature and so continued to run through the trees.

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