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Yoongi was back home that early morning almost knocking with Kai who was running late "hyung your back....." he chirped as he hurriedly wore his shoes on while Yoongi gave him a smile even with his so tired eyes man wants to sleep so bad "take a rest hyung, will talk later can't be late on my first day" he gave him a haste side hug before running off as Yoongi waved him goodbye and walked inside the house. They were living in a medium bangulow which Yoongi claimed was the last given thing from his dad before he disappeared it was just big enough for them and even more people, but Yoongi loved to live alone or let's say making friends wasn't his thing at all but after meeting Kai who he considers his younger brother he took him in and now practically live together, and he was happy to learn so much things about his father from him even though he was late to meet him he doesn't blame anyone maybe it was just meant to be after all.

He groggily walked to his room and dropped everything on him and flopped onto the bed looking up the ceiling and remembered all that happened the previous night making him smile, never in his life thought he would go for two "damn, even though Hobi and I kept on arguing over Taehyung I can't deny his cute messy self under me" he grinned, he won't lie he was always after Taehyung he had this tiny winy crush on him, scratch that he wanted to hover him everytime he saw him and he doesn't feel ashamed of his unholy thoughts "fuck I want them both" he conclude before later falling into a deep morning slumber his unholy dreams filling in.
Kai sighed in relief the moment he stepped into the school compound, finally he was here and he was excited, it's been long he ever stepped in school and so he missed this and that's when someone bumped into him making him almost stumble over before he held him back "oh am so sorry" a soft voice apologized helping him up and Kai knew he recognized that voice "munchkin" he called in surprised making the other eye him "oh it's you" Kai almost screamed "Kai?" Munchkin called unsure "wait you study here too?" Kai asked surprised and munchkin nodded with a smile "guess we gonna be stuck here together" he joked as the both laughed before the bell went off, Kai told Minji, that's how he introduced himself, his first class and turns out they almost had the same classes a difference of one "let's go on" they made it to their first class excitedly.
"So have you met the others" Minji asked as they had their lunch at the canteen "not really, in fact I haven't been really out and so this is my first time out"he explained, after all Yoongi told him they should keep low for awhile they had to make sure no one knew where and what they were up to "well me too, I woke up and I was home, my parents asked a lot about where I was but I kept mumm unsure of what to tell them "wait, they didn't know where you were?" Kai was about confused "actually..." He said scratching his head "I kind of ran away" Kai widen his eyes "but why would you?" He almost shouted making Minji shut his mouth "keep it down" he warned as now everyone was staring at them "it was very stupid of me I admit because I was angry, but doing that also made me realize and get to feel a lot of things am glad am still alive and have someone to call them friends" Kai smiled at that "of course you have us" he comforted before his eyes landed on someone..

"What is it?" Minji asked looking at where Kai looked but saw nothing "hmm I feel like we are being watched" he pointed out as he saw a black figure disappearing in the bushes "we have to be careful" Minji suggested as they nodded and headed to their afternoon different class promising each other to go back home together.

"Two down...." the dark figure scoffed as he made his way out of the school through the fences by simple jumping, which was weird and unfortunately someone caught on that "w...what the hell are you?!" an old man begger who was sat right beside the fence asked in fear as the unknown person sighed in frustration "it's your fault for seeing what you were never meant to see" he snickered and raised his hand carelessly as the begger begun to squirm in air his breath was cut short that he was panting heavily but the hold on his neck won't let him, it felt like air was suffocating as the stranger chuckled seeing his Half dead state, he moved his hands and the next thing is the man's neck was dislocated making him fall down with a thud, he was already dead "what a waste of time" he sighed snapping his finger and he disappeared instantly without a trace.
"That bastard had the fucking audacity to freeze all the company's money huh, and that for what!" Mr Jeon shouted in his office as he realized he can't gamble anymore without money he needs that but now it was gone it made him so pissed, and that's when someone knocked on his door "come in" he said boredly heading to sit back on his chair as the hooded man stranger from earlier walked in closing the door "what is it?" He asked still pissed as the hooded man stood in front of him taking off his hood "I found two" he announced as he took a seat Mr Jeon sighing "we are getting there slowly they are hiding something I know but before that....." he looked at the man "Jungkook has tampered with my business again I want you to do this, teach him a fucking lesson" he was literally fuming right now "and...." he looked in front of him "Taemin put your hood on your face it might give me a heart attack" he shivered seeing that ugly half face scar that Taemin got from the escape.

Taemin looked down insecure and pulled up his hood on, even after having telekinesis he can't get rid of the ugly scar, he pulled the hood down and continued to listen to the new plan given to him

inside Jungkook's office that evening he was finishing up his work so he could go abck home already, not his home though but Jimin's "hang in there baby a few more minutes.." he softly said kissing the top of Jimin's head who had strandled him and peacefully sleeping on his chest, he literally passed out 30minutes back on the couch but Jungkook's wouldn't miss to cuddled him and so he pulled him to his lap as he faced his laptop finishing up his work.

A knock came in after and he knew who it could be "come in" he said wanting to so much get down with all the paper work. Jin, Hobi and Namjoon walked in the office not even fazed to see their position they are kinda getting used to this sight but at the same time they had smiles on their faces.

"Gues what it worked out!" Namjoon announced Abit loudly and Jin beside him hit him playfully "shh keep it down.." he signalled to Jimin who was obviously sleeping "oh no, you bad man what did you do to little mochi!" Hobi started his dramas and Jin had to facepalm "he's asleep keep it down" Jungkook whisper yelled to him and he dramatically zipped his mouth shut "good" Jungkook added going back to his work while occasionally Patting Jimin's back.

"So as I was saying we were able to disable his accounts from having access to the company's shares" Namjoon said again this time softly "but won't he retort back" Jin was kinda of worried though this was nothing compared to what they passed through "if he does so it's like giving himself out for using that much money he's very sneaky so he would be careful" Jungkook assured as he switched off his laptop and packing up already "for today I think we did a great Job" Jungkook have them his infamous bunny smiled and the hyungs couldn't agree more.

When he was done he stood up with Jimin who automatically wrapped his legs around his wait and arms around his neck sleeping peacefully like a child, so cute Jungkook was appreciating the sight. He didn't care about the whispers that were going on wherever he passed ofcouse you don't get to see the CEO your boss carrying a man around but a glare he replied with got everyone shut their lastic mouth, they all got in the same car first driving off Jikook to Jimin's place, that took about 30minutes and then drove off to their own abodes, but they were so oblivious to the man following them around like a hawk.

Jungkook had another spare key which Jimin gladly gave him and made it inside immediately met with Taehyung chilling in the sofa eating popcorn "Jimin baby what are you doing up there?" Taehyung teased as Jungkook looked to his direction blankly but Jimin never waking up "where else is he supposed to be" Jungkook sarcastically replied with a fake smile "riding is easier" he smirked "shameless" Jungkook mumbled walking to Jimin's bedroom which they so much share now it was their own bed, he placed him down and kissed his head lovingly "rest well baby" he cooed.

Jungkook had another spare key which Jimin gladly gave him and made it inside immediately met with Taehyung chilling in the sofa eating popcorn "Jimin baby what are you doing up there?" Taehyung teased as Jungkook looked to his direction blankly b...

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