What if...

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I clapped the book shut with a humorous flapping sound and tossed the softback manga onto the table. "Another book read!" I giggled, leaning over and grabbing the remote, switching the TV on. We couldn't watch programs, but we could access the internet, and we used the TV as the monitor. I skillfully went to YouTube and searched for the next episode of my anime to watch it, but was stopped when my mother appeared.

"Don't you go watching another episode! I need the computer, and you need fresh air!"

I pointed to the time on the episode that hadn't even started, and pointed to the open window next to me, and proceeded to press play as my mother shook her head. 


I sighed and nodded glumly. "Yes, ma'am..."

Hetalia proceeded to play, and I settled in to drink the five minutes of pure hysterics of stareo-typed countries.

If only I could live in the anime world, I sighed. Not that my animes would come to life, or if they were real--that I could go to their world. I much liked this world as is.

Sadly, the episode ended, and mom confiscated the computer from me, and locked me outside. I grumbled, flicking the hood of my sweater up to protect my highly sensitive eyes from the sun and stuffing my hands into my pocket, my feet guiding me into the forest.

I walked in a direction I hadn't taken before, and memorized my path so I could return when I was finished. I smiled, seeing a squirrel dart across the path up the tree. Okay, so yes I hated nature--but they were cute!

I sang a tune, smiling as I walked. I really only sang to protect myself from the cougar, bears, and coyotes, but I also enjoyed singing, so I wasn't really put out.

"Still I live in hopes to see the Holy Ground once more," I sang, all but giggling outright as I jumped up onto a stump. "Fine girl, ya're!" I let my giggle escape as I hopped off, continuing with the song. One reason why I was giggling was because I loved Celtic songs. Scottish songs specifically, but my favorite was Irish, sadly. Most people mix them up, and that irritates me like none other. "...The secret of my mind, my girl, are the girls I do adore! Still I live in hopes to see the--"

I stopped short, my grin frozen as I took in what was in front of me.

In front of me, was what looked like a TV screen off of a Toradora! episode.

What was scary, was that I knew it was real.

The anime world.

It was real.

I slowly became giddy before bursting through the barrier, feeling the wall trying to keep me out. But it wasn't going to hold me from what I loved!

I landed with a soft tap and looked down, seeing my legs encased in forest green cargo pants, hiding the fact that I had on black combat boots. Tilting my head farther down I saw that I was wearing a white midriff shirt, and that MY CHEST WAS SMALLER!!! I jumped around like a lunatic, enjoying the feel of my boobs not trying to rip right off my chest. Seriously. Before, I had become very adept at punching boys for soully looking at my chest. But now they were small! Yay! Well, not flat. I mean, I had something there, but they weren't reserving a spot for me five minutes before I arrived, either.

I giggled, noticing movement above my head.

Looking up, I saw a lovely red lock of hair coming out of my annoying cowlick making me look like a lanternfish. Oh, great, I thought. I look like a cross between America and Canada. Oh well, at least I don't have Canada's curl...

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