Chapter Forty-Nine

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I stepped out of England's house the next day. We had stayed up until the wee hours of the night watching Waiting for God. It was after dinner, and now I was wondering where I should go.

I'm not going back to Germany's house... One Nali would kill me, and two Gilbert is there. I'm not going to Kadi's because she would try to kill me. I don't want to go to Iran, because Kiana would probably blow things up. Where to, next...?

It was time to visit my good friend Romania.


Kadi answered the phone.



Kadi winced and pulled the phone back to smack her ear to get hearing back to it. "Okay, Nali, calm down... Where did you say you found Anahi?"

"On the British mainland," Nali explained, quieting down. "Well, actually, I found her on her island. But when she realized that I was going to try to bring her back, she ran down into Scotland and then into the woods. She led me on a wild goose chase, and I wasn't sure if I lost her in Scotland or in England."

Kadi rubbed her eyes. "Okay, have you talked to them? They should be able to sense her..."

"I talked to Scotland and he didn't know anything about her location. When I went to England's house he was gone."

Kadi frowned. It wasn't like Arthur to leave his house for no reason. "I'll try calling him. When did you find her?"

"Yesterday," Nali answered. "I wasn't able to get back to you till now because I was searching for her all day and night."

Kadi sighed and nodded. "Okay, I understand. I'll get back to you on any information I gather--even if it's none."

Nali sighed. "Okay... Thanks, Kadi."

"No problem."

They hung up and Kadi went through her contacts to dial the Englishman. When he picked up, Kadi got strait to the point.

"Have you seen Anahi in the past five days."

"Yes," he answered plainly. "Several times, actually."

Kadi scowled. "Yesterday?"

"Yes. She finally got food and something to drink. She was starting to become delirious."

Kadi shuddered at the thought of Anahi eating the horrible English food. "Is she there now?"

"No, she left a little while ago after we had dinner."

Kadi was starting to get tired of him with holding information. "Do you know where she went?"


A lead!"

"Where?!" the Basque asked eagerly.

"I have been ordered with the penalty of death if I told anyone."

Kadi growled.

"Look, Caterpillar Brows, I'm going to order you with the penalty of wishing you were dead if you don't tell me!"


He's as annoying as his mother... Kadi thought bitterly. "Fine," she told him. "I'll just sack out at your place until she comes back."

He chuckled. "Good luck in getting her to stay. She likes to run when someone she doesn't want to see discovers her."

Kadi huffed. What was her problem?! "Okay fine. I have one last question... Do you know why she's acting up? If so, can you tell me?" Her voice changed to concern when she asked.

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