Chapter Sixty-Three~

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We gathered around Janiqua as she gave orders. This was her land, so she would know it best.

"First of all--How have you guys been searching?" she asked, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

"We've been breaking into three teams and going down hints of trails," Kylie supplied. I flinched--I had forgotten that she and Poland were there! And they had been sitting right next to me at breakfast, too...

Janiqua nodded. "Okay. Where have you looked?"

"Down the trail to the waterfall," Arthur answered. "That's where we lost them."

Bahamas nodded, thinking. "Have you tried from the beach?"

We shook our heads. Bahamas smiled. "If they have lasted this long like how you say they did, they'd have to have water. There are two main waterways on this island--one ends in a waterfall, and the other ends at the shore. I say that we look from the waterfall up, if that's where you say you lost them."

We nodded, and as a group followed Janiqua down the trail. Things were fairly silent, save for the occasional conversation. I jogged up to the front next to Janiqua and started bombarding her with questions.

"So where do you think they are?" I asked.

"They could be in numerous places," she answered. "There are many shelters left by the natives by the river. What we're going to have to do is visit them one by one and search it up and down."

"Where's the first stop?"

"Just up ahead," Janiqua answered, pointing. "It's an old run-down hut. I doubt they'll be there, but we have to check."

I nodded, then a thought occurred to me. "Hey... Do you know ALL of your islands like the back of your hand?"

She grinned. "Of course. This island is currently the tip of my left pinkie finger."

I chuckled. Just like Texas.

We got to the hut and dispersed into buddies or truddies. Most were buddies, with one truddy consisting of Romania, Lovino, and Kiana. Janiqua and England were a team, which kicked America with Canada. Kadi and Scotland were a buddy, of course, same with Kylie and Poland, and Nali and Germany.

Where did that leave me? With Prussia.


I watched sadly as Kylie, America, and Romania dashed to the hut to look inside, but have their shoulder's sag when they didn't see their sibling. My shoulders sagged, too.

Please let Janiqua be able to find Moldova...

"Romania, can you find any trail on Moldova?" Janiqua asked. "If you can find even a little trace of him we should be okay."

Kadi snapped her fingers. "Why didn't I think of it before? I can pinpoint Alice's magic storage!"

We all did our own reactions, the ones of us with relatives lost nearly attacking her.

"Then do so!" Romania and America ordered in unison.

"Okay, okay!" Kadi held up her hands in surrender. "Just give me a moment!"

She motioned us to back away from her. When we had done so, she closed her eyes, and soon a sudden wind was flying through our hair and ripping at our clothes. Along with the wind came  white ribbons.

You've got to be kidding me...

Suddenly, she reached out and grabbed a ribbon, her eyes popping open. "Got her! Let's go!"

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