Chapter Twenty-Six~ Christmas Special

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Scotland pulled to a stop in front of Kadi's house. The brunette snuck out the door and scampered into the car, chucking her bag into the back.

"Ready, Love?" asked the Celt.

Kadi kissed him. "Let's go before they wake up."


I woke up, stumbling out of my room.

"Kadi?" I called, rubbing my eyes. "Kadi?"

"Kadi isn't here," came a tart reply.

I blinked, managing to get Cleo into focus. "Where is she...?"

"No idea. But I wouldn't expect her back for a while..."

I nodded, staggering into the kitchen for breakfast.


Kiana got a call from Romano.

"Whad'ya want?" she sighed.

"I thought that maybe we could do something for Christmas..." he muttered.

Kiana could hear him blushing.

"O-okay... Um... Like what...?"

"I don't know... What would you like to do...?"

A sudden thought came to mind. "Well, Mr. Grinch..."

"Kiana, you're a genius."


In the dead of night on Christmas Eve, someone visited each country's house. But it wasn't Finland.

Both were dark, and mischievous. One was male, and one was female. One was tall, and the other was short. One looked like he was in his early twenties, and the other looked like she was in her mid-teens.

They snuck into their friend's homes to mess up their holidays.

They tip-toed into the German house and into the parlor. Kiana started to hide a few of the presents, but Romano had a better idea.

"The tree," he hissed, pulling back the curtain.

Kiana giggled and carefully moved the tree behind the billowy curtain and unplugged it so the lights wouldn't show. Satisfied that they had effectively fooled the Germans, they scampered out to the next victim's house.


America woke up at about four A.M. and raced down stairs to see...

...All 2,550 presents gone.

"AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" he screamed, waking up his fifty siblings.

Alice panicked and thundered down the stairs along with the rest of the states. They had all spent the night at their country's house since he was very impatient Christmas morning, and refused to wait until all had arrived.

"What is it?!" they all clamoured.

"The presents are gone!" Willow exclaimed while Jade tried to fan Al back to life. "Who took the presents?! Seth, this isn't funny!"

Seth was doubled over snickering. He knew who had done it, as he had thought he had heard Santa the night so went to investigate, only to see Lovino and Kiana slipping out the door.

"I didn't do it!" he gasped. "Romano... and Iran... did!"

"How do you know?!" demanded Joey. "This isn't funny!"

Seth was dead with laughter by now, unable to talk.

Alice sighed, rubbing her forehead. "Alright, guys. Let's search the house for them. Kylie, could you pop down the street and get some fries for our brother? He should wake up that way..."

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