Chapter Fifty-Six~

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I sighed and rested my head on my knees. The meeting was as unproductive as the last. Now I was curled up on the floor of China's house, wondering what to do with myself. China himself was grumbling incoherently in his mother tongue about all the paper work he had. I watched him silently as he worked. Occasionally he would drop an English word into his sentence. Needless to say he was trying to blow up my brain from his rapid speech.

"Ayaa!" he cried, chucking his pen down on his desk and slamming his forehead into his waiting hands, elbows on the desk.

I crawled over to him and sat on my legs, looking up at him, concerned. He lowered a hand just enough to see me. When his dark gaze landed on me, I mewed. He blinked, then chuckled, reaching down to ruffle my hair.

"I am sorry, Anahi. Today's work is overwhelming."

I peeked out one eye. "Want to take a vacation?"

He blinked, his hand staying still on my head. "Ayaa... That is a good idea!"

I smiled. "The others might be bogged with a bunch of work, too... We should ask them. Sound good?"

He nodded, flashing me his heart-melting smile. "Yes, it does. We should finish our work first, though."

I nodded. "You have deadlines. I'll send the word out to the others and see what they think, okay?"

He nodded, and returned to his work, calm for now. I crawled back to my patch of floor and sent out the word.


The response nearly broke my phone. It seemed like everyone was loaded down with work and wanted to blow things up. Soon I had managed to gather an army of countries to go attack a little deserted island down in the Bahamas. We agreed to get back together in a couple of days and see if everyone was finished. One thing that had no question about it: Work came first. When it was done, we would leave.

I informed Yao of this and he smiled, lacing his fingers together as he rested his elbows on the desk and his chin on his fingers.

"An island in a warm climate... No one around us... No work to worry about... Ayaa! I want to go right now!"

I raised a brow and snuck over to his desk, only to swipe his Hello Kitty plush.

"Shinatty-chan!" Yao cried, diving over his desk to try and wrestle it out of my grasp. I kept it close to my chest, though, making it impossible for him to get back and still be a gentleman.

However, this was China we were talking about, not England.

"Ack! China! Stop feeling me up!" I cried, trying to scramble away from the brunette.

"Give me back Shinatty-chan!" he ordered, pinning me to the floor with his body. I held the stuffed kitty out at arms length, just out of reach for him.

"Finish your work and you can have her back! Now get off me!"


I frowned and quickly propped myself up on my arms, his chin colliding with my back between my shoulder blades.

"Āiyō!" he yelped, realing back into the sitting position on the floor behind me and holding his mouth. I twisted around and stuck Shinatty-chan in my lap before frowning at him. (Ouch!)

"Did you bite your tongue?"

He nodded. "Ith okai tho... Ith not bleedin'."

I grinned at his sudden change of accent and took my turn at ruffling his own hair. "Good. Now; finish your work and you can get Shinatty-chan back."

He scowled but silently stood and walked to the desk, me snickering. He shot me a dirty look and started mumbling in Chinese again.

"...Ránhòu dāng wǒ zhōng yǒu nǐ huílái, Shinatty-chan, wǒ huì sī liè tā de hóulóng, bìng quèbǎo tā bù huì yǒngyuǎn zài shānghài nǐ..." (...And then when I have you back, Shinatty-chan , I'll rip her throat out and make sure she doesn't hurt you ever again...)

I shook my head, not wanting to know what he had said and headed for my room to plan.


Kylie plopped herself on Feliks' couch with a heave of a sigh. He chuckled and set the bags down neatly so they could easily put them away later. Smiling, he walked over to his girl and sat next to her, resting a hand on her head.

"I forgot how tired-making shopping was..."

He chuckled. "We got matching outfits, though! They're totally cool!"

She rested her head in his lap and smiled up at him. "They are. I can't wait to wear some! We should like, totally only bring matching outfits to Anahi's get-a-way."

Feliks leaned down to kiss her. "I totally like that idea! Let's go and take care of our clothes so they'll be ready!"

Kylie groaned, rolling over closer so her back was to Poland. "No-ho-ho-ho..." she whined. "Let me slee-hee-heep..."

Feliks raised a brow and laid a hand on her waist. "I know a way to make you awake..."

He turned her head to glare at him. "Do it and die."

He smirked and started tickling her. Kylie shrieked and writhed, trying to get away from the Polish.

"Let me go! Let me go! Let me go!" she pleaded, giggling, rolling off onto the floor. Feliks followed after her crawling form and kept up with his tickling, causing her to collapse and curl up into a ball, still giggling.

"Feliks! Please, stop!" she begged.

"Not going to, girl!" he grinned

"I'll hit you with my surfboard!" she threatened.

"I'd like to see you try!" he countered.

"As soon as I get free I'm going to totally do that!" she warned

Feliks raised a brow. "Big incentive!" he snickered, keeping up his torture.

Five kicks, three fits of rage, seven bruises, and many giggles later, Kylie managed to break free and keep to her word, clocking Feliks in the head with her surfboard. Her boyfriend sprawled out on the floor, dazed from the hit. When his eyes stopped rolling in their sockets he clutched his head, uttering one word.


Kylie snickered and knelt down beside him, pulling his head into her lap. "You okay?"

He nodded drunkenly. "T-tak... Tak-yai-yai... Że boli..." (Y-yes... Aye-yai-yai... That hurt...)

She smiled and leaned down to kiss his forehead. "Don't tickle me that much and this won't happen..."

Feliks groaned, rolling onto his side. "Jestem ranny... Pielęgniarka mnie z powrotem do zdrowia, Kalifornia..." (I'm hurt... Nurse me back to health, California...)

Kylie chuckled, gently running her fingers through his blonde hair. "You're such a baby..."

"Tak, and you love it," he chuckled, opening an eye to look up at her. (Yes.)

She sighed, smiling before placing a gentle kiss on his lips. "Yes, I do."

He chuckled, reaching up and settling his hand on the back of her head.


Okay, okay! I updated! o.o It's short, but you have a little something to occupy your minds during our long weekend.

So, guys! I need arc ideas! If you have any, just comment. I have one that will last a little while, so now I have something to work with. Any and all are welcome! And, if I don't use it this story, I'll use it in the future books.

Yes, I blabbed it out. This is going to be a series! I've been planning on it being that way from day one. The sooner I get ideas the sooner you'll get to read the next book~...

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