Chapter Fifty-Nine~

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We got back to the cabin and I raced for the shower.

"I'll help make supper as soon as I'm finished!" I called as I slammed the door shut, effectively blocking out the stampede of countries that were going to try and invade meh territoreh.

"Don't take long!" Nali warned.

"Frau, Ich could shower vith you... It vould save time zhat vay."

He cried out in pain while a new voice broke in.

"You bloody git! Just because you share a room does not mean that you can invade her vital regions!"

I felt my cheeks heat as I brushed out my hair.

"Zhat's right. Zhat's my job," came Francis' voice.

All other voices were drowned out when I turned on the water. As per my promise, my shower was a quick one, and I was out of there in ten minutes, including my dressing. I ninjaed out of the bathroom and trotted to my room to dump my clothing before padding down the stairs to where Ludwig was cooking. He nodded towards the onion on the cutting board and I got the hint, grabbing a knife and getting to work in slicing it.

That's when things started becoming strange.

Usually, when I was in the kitchen, Moldova was trying to trip me. But the runt was oddly silent.

He must be in the shower... If he's still not here by Suppertime, then I'll get worried.

But my worry rose when Canada came to me, frowning.


"Oui?" I returned.

"Well... I can't find Alice!"

I nearly sliced off my finger.

"Okay... Is she in the shower?"

He shook his head. "No, Papa, Nali, and Scotland are. The rest are waiting in line!"

I frowned. "Is Moldova in line?"

He shook his head again. "Not that I could see. Do you think we've lost them?"

I set down my knife and went to the sink to wash my hands. "Ludwig, I'm going to go out and look. If we're not back until after supper is cleaned up, then you have permission to loose the dogs and hunt us down. Matthew, let's go."

I grabbed his wrist and two flashlights before heading out the door.


Alice held the frightened Moldova close as she leaned against a tree.

Okay, she thought. If I can just find the pond that we were swimming in, I can get us back to the cabin. But which way...?

"A-Alice...?" Moldova asked, looking up at her as he wiped away his tears.

"Yes, Moldova?" she smiled.

"What way are we going to go?"

Alice frowned. "I don't know. How about we stand and just start walking? The island can't be that big! We'll just find the shore and follow it along until we get to the cabin. Sound like a good idea?"

He nodded and slowly stood up. "Yeah... It does. At least we'll be busy, right?"

Alice nodded and picked herself up. "Da. Let's go?"

He grabbed her hand and looked up at her. "Da."

They started walking.

Alice and Moldova trekked through the rain forest as they searched for a trail.

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