Chapter Sixty-Five~

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Moldova was, indeed, sick. England informed us that it was Malaria, and that Janiqua had left him with instructions on how to care for him. Renewed by our reunion, we struck out for the cabin, following the river to the bridge, and the trail back to the cabin. By the time we got there, it was almost Suppertime. We were all famished, but we were all exhausted. Kadi volunteered to give Moldova what he needed before heading off to bed herself, witch allowed the rest of us to go to sleep.

And we did. We didn't wake up until nearly noon the next day. Alice, Moldova, and Kadi slept longer than the rest of us, however. They had taken the hardest toll.

For breakfast Canada made pancakes for Alice and brought it to her bed, and Romania did the same for Moldova save that his meal was the traditional Romanian style. When Kadi woke, she saw that Scotland had her food all ready and going.

A short meeting after breakfast told us that we would leave as soon as Moldova was well again. Days went creeping by, but before we knew it our favorite Moldovan was up and running around again. We boarded the ship and went ashore to the airport to fly back home.

I chose to go back with Kadi. While yes, I enjoyed China's company, I didn't like having to apply for a permit every single stinkin' time I wanted to go somewhere. So I chose to go back home, and boy was Screwtape excited to see me! He rubbed my ankles so hard I thought I was going to get knocked over. But I didn't, and I gave him some quality cuddle time like the good owner I was.

That's when Spain came to our door.

"I'm innocent," was Kadi's statement as she opened the door. "ETA had no orders for a month, so whatever happened wasn't by my hand."

Spain rolled his eyes. "Nothing happened, Kadi. I was just coming to tell you that the party was next Esaturday."

I appeared then, holding the white ball of fluff in my arms. "Party?"

Spain nodded. "Every year I host an international party. I actually had it while you guys were dimension hopping, eso I decided to make an exception this year and host another eso you guys could experience it."

I smiled brightly at that thought. Hell, yeah, parties!

"I'll be there," I told him. "Thanks!"

He bowed out and headed back down the driveway and Kadi shut the door, turning to me with an evil grin.

Oh, hell no...

"Guess what you, Nali, Alice, Kiana, and I are going to do soon~."


I heaved a sigh. "Okay, okay... I got it... Clothes shopping... Just doin't bring Poland, okay?"

She giggled, clapping her hands. "Oh, but of course!"

Dear Lord Above... Please get me out of this! I thought as my smile tightened and my face paled.


Inallika was settling herself down on her couch, enjoying a nice cup of coffee as she watched the TV. She was all snuggled in her pajamas when her phone rang next to her, playing the LEGO Ninjago theme. She chuckled as she answered it.

"What's up, Mathias?"

"Antonio told me to tell you about the party!"


As you have probably forgotten, Nali is extremely shy and reserved. She prefers small crowds of people she loves rather than huge crowds full of strangers. So the idea of a party being thrown by the country who is known for their parties wasn't high on her list of things to do.

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