Chapter Sixty-Eight~

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We walked in to see Spain, Al, and Kiku in the DJ booth, pumping out the music at full volume. Many of the countries were on the dance floor, and those who weren't were at the bar, being served by Francis and Ivan.

Scotland spotted us first and dragged Kadi to the floor, a smirk playing on his mouth. Of course he enjoyed the sight of Kadi... The dress she had picked out hugged her curves.

Germany was next, and stole Nali away. Shortly after came Romano and Poland, and last came Canada, each taking their respective girl.

Now I was alone. What did I do? Round-off flipped onto the dance floor and danced my little heart out.

China found me and blushed. "You look very lovely, Anahi."

I laughed, stopping my dancing. "Thank you, Yao! You're looking good yourself!"

And he was. Yellow jeans and a red tunic with his hair down made him look quite fetching.

He smiled. "Xièxiè, Anahi. Do you want to get a drink?"

I nodded. "Sure!"

We sauntered over to the bar and pulled up some stools to sit on. France saw us and put on his rape face.

"Arak," I ordered.

"Baijiu," China asked, slightly uncomfortable by France's face.

"Onhonhonhon~ of course," he purred. He got the drinks and set them next to us before leaning on the bar, watching me. "You look beautiful, Mademoiselle. Your radiance outshines a rose. Did you know zhat?"

I picked up my glass. "Russia's right behind you, ready to murder you for putting the moves on his sister. Did you know that?"

His face froze and I chuckled, taking a gulp of my arak. The blond slowly turned to see a dark aura around Europa's neighbor.


Francis let out a girlish shriek and ran out of the bar area. I snickered, draining my glass and dragging China onto the floor.

"Come on!" I grinned. "Let's go steal your brother!"

Yao laughed, running to catch up with me. "Good luck. He likes that booth."

"No duh." I turned to look back at China and winked. I saw his cheeks redden as I sauntered up, leaning on the stand with both hands. The DJ trio looked up, all of their faces turning red.

"A...Anahi," Spain stuttered.

"Hola," I replied, winking. "You don't really need three people at the DJ booth, do you?"

"I... Guess not..."

"Wonderful! Japan, guess what you get to do~..."

The oriental country paled and turned to run out of the booth. But I was faster than that. I leaped up over the booth and nabbed him, putting him in a headlock.

"Play nice and I'll let you go... If not..." I chuckled, turning my head to whisper in his ear. "...I'll just have to always touch you, Kiku-chan..."

He shuddered. "Okay, okay! I'rr dance with you and Yao!"

I let him go, clasping my hands together. "Yay! Let's go!"

I dragged the Asians to the dance floor and made them move to the beat. China had it made, but Japan was having some difficulty.

"Japan, your music has the most rhythm that I've heard. Close your eyes and imagine the sound waves controlling your body," I told him, encouraging him to get out of his shell.

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