Chapter Forty-Two~

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"Kadi!" I screamed, pressing my palms to her back. "Kadi! Dammit, my magic isn't working! Athena!"

The ancient hurried over to me and pressed her own palms to the wound. She closed her eyes, murmured something that sounded like a prayer, and soon Kadi's wound was healing.

I stared at my hands, panic running through me. If I can't use magic, that means that my mana is low. If my mana is low, that means that I could die!

"Dammit!" I cursed again. "Scheiße, rahat, dziarmo, kuso!" ("Shit" for each one)

"Nescio," Romulus offered. I glared at him. (Still "shit")

"Skatá," Athena added. ("Shit" again!)

"Kaka," Kadi added groggily. The only thing that kept me from exploding right then and there was that Kadi was the one who said it. (Yup. You got it. "Shit")

I rushed around her and knelt in front of her. "Kadi! Are you okay?"

She nodded, her eyes opening slightly to see that I was there before closing them again. "Yes. Espania didn't hit anything vital, thankfully. Just made a hole in my gut."

I heaved a sigh of relief before chuckling. She said "Espania" as if it was a foul word. "You scared us for a moment, Kadi..."

She opened her eyes a bit, her gaze settling on the cuts and gashes that I had scattered about my body. "What happened to you?" she muttered.

"Portugal," I promptly answered. "I managed to win, though."

She nodded. "That's... Good..."

She closed her eyes and fell asleep. Germania came and scooped her up, carrying her inside the house to put her to bed. We all followed, but Athena ordered me into the magic room and onto a chair before starting to heal me.

"Why isn't your magic working?" she murmured.

I shook my head. "I... I don't... I don't know..."

She tilted her head to the side. "I think I do..."

I looked at her. "Tell?"


I smacked my forehead. "Of course! Why didn't I think of that?"

Athena chuckled. "You're bleeding. That's why."

I returned the chuckle. "Okay point."

When Athena had used as much magic as she dared on me she rubbed an eye. "If Portugal attacked you... And if Spain and France attacked Kadi... I sure hope that Greece is safe..."

I nodded, sighing. "I sure hope that Kiana is safe..."

Athena stood and wiped her hands off on her clothes with a sigh. "She's a competent girl. She'll be okay."

I nodded, standing. "Thank you, Athena. I'm going to go clean up the blood in my room."

She nodded. "You do that."

I stepped out and went to get the cleaning supplies.


Greenland frowned. "Um... Denmark...?"


"Um... Shouldn't we be at my house...?"

Denmark had ordered Greenland to stay in his sight at all times, and then proceeded to take her to his house.

He turned around to face her, taking a drink of his alcohol. "I guess? But you're under my authority, so being here would be the same as being in Greenland, right?"

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