Chapter Five~

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Country meeting. I followed the German brothers to America's house where we sat and waited. America stood.

"We've got a new country! Someone passed through the world just today. Russia's out getting them now!"

A new country... I thought. I wonder if... Nah.

Prussia sighed next to me. "Yet anosser... Hooray."




"What about squirrels?" I heard an oddly familiar voice say. I turned to see the new country.

"Oh... Germans can't say squirrel."

She nodded, snorting. "That's not true."

"Hetalia, dude!" I proclaimed, leaning back and spreading my arms in a "what now" pose. "Stereo-typical!"

She rolled her eyes, sitting down. But I noted that her eyes lingered on Germany.

"So dudes!" America started. "This chick found us! What's your name?"

She hesitated. "Does it have to be my real name...?"

I shook my head. "I'm Carmen here."

She smiled at me. "Okay, then. I'm Elsbeth."

I smiled back. "Welcome, Elsbeth. Where do you want to stay?"

She hesitated. "...Germany," she finally answered, blushing.

I stood. "Then let's go!"

"Meeting adjourned!" America proclaimed. "Germany, you're in charge of Elsbeth."

The younger German brother nodded, standing and walking over to her. Prussia and I stood, following them out the door. A short walk across a few bridges over rivers and streams brought us to the German house.

Germany sighed. "Vell, here ve are. You'll be sharing a room vith Carmen. Sorry, Elsbeth."

She smiled. "Oh, that's okay. I'm sure we'll get along."

I took her hand and dragged her into the house to our room. I plopped myself on my bed, pointing to the bed opposite me.

"That's yours. What few belongings you have you can put in the second drawer."

Elsbeth nodded, sitting down lightly on her bed. "Okay. Thank you."

"So what country do you think you are?"

"I'm... not sure. Who are you?"

I shrugged, bouncing on my bed. I studied her, noting that she looked very Indian, but slightly Asian. In all reality what she was wearing made me overly warm. She had on a thick fur coat, fir-lined pants, and tan, fur-lined, high-healed boots. Her dark head was covered by the hood of her coat. Everything about her screamed "Indian". But what Indian was also Asian? And that wore that?


I snapped out of my thoughts. "What? Oh! Sorry. Was just thinking. About you. What country you are."

"Oh... Do you know who I am...?"


Her face lit up.

"You're Elsbeth."

Her face fell, and I giggled. "All I know is that you're from the polar regions... Aren't you hot?"

"No... Aren't you cold...?"

I shook my head, looking down at my red Asian tank-dress that China gave me. "Not really... Well, a little. I like it a lot hotter."

"How hot?"



"How did you get here?" I asked, standing and walking over to pick up a picture of Scotland from the dresser.

"I was looking for a friend... But I found this instead. You?"

"Just out exploring."

She nodded before shrieking out of fright at a banging at the door. I giggled and flew open the door, only to have a Prussian man yank my ahonge--thus making me unable to fight--and set me aside. He turned to the frightened dark girl and started to speak to her.

"Vest vants you. And Carmen..." I glared at him, panting. "Dinner."

"M-me...?" Elsbeth stammered.

Prussia sighed. "Ja, du. Better get going."

"O-okay..." she stuttered, hurrying after me. "Where is he...?"

"Library, down the hall," he instructed, pushing me forward.

"Hey! Quit pushing! You're going to make me--"

--Fall, was what I wanted to say, but instead I acted out the word, tumbling down the stairs. Fortunately I tucked myself into a ball, so my injuries were only bruises, but I still ended up as a heap on the floor. Prussia started laughing as he stumbled after me, landing next to me. I haughtily stood up and marched away to the kitchen, the Prussian following me.

"Carmen, stop! It vas funny!"

"No it wasn't! And you butt out, Traitor!"

"Still holding that against me?" he asked, leaning against the door jamb.

"Yes. You drove my people out because of your army law!"

"My boss made me do it!"

I glared at him. "Be thankful that Russia gave them sanctuary." I whipped around, dishing out my supper.

Prussia walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me from behind. I froze. He buried his face into the crook of my neck.

"But sey left him, too..." he murmured, his breath tickling my skin.

I set down my plate and stood there, gathering strength. When I felt ready I flew open my eyes and elbowed him sharply in the gut, sending him reeling back across the tiled floor. I whirled around, facing him, his red eyes deep seated with rage, meeting my narrowed amber ones.

"Gilbert. Don't touch me like that ever again."

He smirked, starting to make his way over to me. I rooted myself, ready to fight. When he suddenly leaped at me, I moved away and side-kicked him, making him fly into the living room. He spluttered, standing up, looking at me, startled.

I headed for the door and rested my hand on the nob, turning my head to level my yellow gaze on him.

"If you promise not to do that again, I'll stay. Elsbeth is shy and timid. She needs me to show her how things are done here. Otherwise, I'd've already been gone. Verste?"

"...Verste..." he mumbled.

I turned and stalked away into the kitchen to grab my dinner and vanish into my room.


DONE!!! Finally got Elsbeth up there! Partly because she couldn't figure out a name she liked, but... WHATEVER. Got a name. And a twist! Will Prussia behave? Who knows! ...Well... I do... and so does Basque_Girl... and the creator of Elsbeth... WHATEVER. THE CHAPTER HAS BEEN WRITTEN.

Shayla out!



Kadi: "...harsh..."

Shayla: "OY. GET ALLONG OR I'LL START WRITING YOUR DEATH SCENES! ... Or your torture scenes... Kadi... How well do you like Spain...?"


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