Chapter Three~

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I dug around in my pockets. "Where did it go where did it go where did it go don't tell me I have to leave and get it where did it--ah-HA!" I cried, yanking out my Zune. Yes, Zune. Apple and I don't have a good relationship.

I switched on the player and stuck the earbuds in my ears, riffling through my songs before selecting an album to play. I settled down on the floor and listened to the orcastra music play, smiling as the game went through my head. I busied myself in writing, but was constantly having to push my hair back away from my face.

Finally, I had had enough. I stood, marched into China's bathroom, and made use of his brush and hair ties. If he minded, then tough.

My hair was shorter. A lot shorter. It was just past my shoulders short. I frowned, wondering how to fix it.

"I can help you if you want, aru~."

I jumped, spinning around to see the chinese man smiling at me.

"Oh... I just need ideas... I'm not use to having hair this short."

China tilted his head. "How long was it?"

I rubbed a line into my lower back, right at the tops of my hips. "I've always liked longer hair. I'm kind of bummed that my anime self has shorter hair..."

China waved his hand. "Give it a few months and it'll be long again. Here, turn around."

I blushed. "O-okay..."

China started humming, brushing out my hair and messing with it, my blush still deep.

It had been a week since I had arrived here, which ment that barely even a second had passed in the real world. I felt comfortable at China's, and visited the Kirkland brothers often. Japan liked to stop by every now and then, and even Prussia joined in on the fun. I still hadn't asked the German brothers my question, as I had planned on asking it at the next world meeting.

China poked Lanternfish which made my dying blush roar back to life.

"U-um... Don't do that..."

"Don't do what, aru~?" he sang innocently.

"Don't poke Lanternfish."

China smiled. "Well then can I do this...?"

Before I could run away, he had tugged my ahonge and we were kissing. It was slow, sweet, and... nice.

But, it ended. Yao pulled back, me protesting. He smiled.

"Can't have you growing attachments so soon." He smiled and poked my nose, turning around and leaving. "...same for me," I heard him mutter.

I stood there awakwardly. "Um... Yao...?"

He turned back. "Yes?"

"Um... you can..." I blushed, looking away before finishing the sentence. "Nevermind. I'm going to Scottie's house," I said, hurrying past him and out the door.

I needed to get out. It was time for a change. Like China said, I didn't need to grow attachments to soon. I could live here for sixty years before having to check in with my mom.

I hurried up and across Siberia. I had found that the quickest way to the British Isles, was across the pole. Yes, it was cold. But I was only going to be in the cold for a few minutes max.

I darted across the snow and ice, quickly running across the bridge onto Greenland. From there I hopped over onto Iceland, and then onto the new isle.

 As soon as I had stepped onto the ground, I smiled, feeling better. This was my home, after all. If only I could figure out what country I was...

A bird chirpped and landed on my outstreatched hand. I smiled, stroking it's head lightly, crooning to it in my made-up language. It chirped again before flitting away. I walked around, looking at all of the desert. It may be bordered by cold islands, but it was incredibly hot and dry.

I swiftly climbed a sand dune, looking out over the isle and laying down. Soon, all thoughts of what had passed earlier were gone. After a short nap, I slipped off the dune to continue my treck to Scotland. Maybe he had more clues as to who I was.

"Scottie~" I whined, bursting into his house and flopping across his lap as he watched the golfing channel. "I need a break from China."

He raised a brow at me, snuffing out his cigarette. "Why do you say that?"

"Because," I pouted. "He keeps poking Lanternfish."

The redhead snorted. "Thank goodness no one knows where mine is..."

I thumped him. "Obviously you are my brother. Now big brothers are suppose to look out for little sisters. Now help me out, here!"

He smiled, ruffling my hair. He accedently touched Lanternfish, but that was okay. For now. "You can move in with me for a while. I'm sure you'll fit right in, Carmen."

"Yipee!" I cried, prancing around the room. "I'll move in after a few days. If I moved now, things would just be even more awakward."

He nodded. "Take your time. Oh, and Wales wanted to talk to you. He said he had found something on the isle."

"Thanks!" I blew him a kiss and raced out the door, my spirit lifted.

The trip to Wales was quick. Sure I had to scale Hadrian's Wall, but that was always fun to do. I leaped at the wall and instantly my fingers knew where to go to find the tiniest cracks to climb it. Acting like Spider Man, the climb was short. I jumped up onto the top before flipping over the edge and landing in a crouch, pushing off the ground into a run again. Hyper, yes, Entertaining, yes, but I didn't get the nickname Sheik for nothing.

England was a beautiful country, even though it remended me a lot of my own home back in America. I enjoyed the scene as I ducked into Wales.

"Wales!" I called, tackling him to the ground when I saw him. "Got any info on what I am?"

"A freak, that's what," he shot back, standing up and brushing himself off. "Yes, I do. I found some sort of ruin while exploring your island."

"Take me, take me!"

So he did. We returned to my little spot of land and he took me to the rubble. "Here it is. It looks like an old castel of some sort."

I studied it. Yes, it did. I picked over the stone, looking for something. Then I saw it--engravings on the castle wall. They were only little dots, and a few other symbols.

"It's not any language that I know," Wales determend, shaking his head.

I looked back at it and traced the dots with my fingers. "'Here lies the resting place of the Prince.'"

"Prince?" Wales asked.

"That's all it says."

He frowned. "Read more."

I looked up. "I can't. There's no more written."

He frowned, crouching down and studying it. "How can you read this? It's just a bunch of dots and squiggles!"

I traced them with my finger. "I... Don't know... I've never seen it before..."

He shook his head, standing. "Did this help you in figuring out who you are?"

"A bit."


I blushed again, heading home to China. Blast it all--why did there have to be so many good looking countries?


I did it! I updated! Yooray! This will probably be the last update for this story until about September... Sorry, guys! But work is important! And I only get twenty-four hours off every week. During that time we either sleep, or goof-off. Last thing I want to do is write.

Soooo.... Last update! Well, I might add on or expand. But no new chapters. However--during that time you can comment your ideas on who Carmen should fall for, or what she should do next! 

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