Chapter Nine~

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Russia frowned. It was late. Carmen wasn't back yet. And why was she so scared of him singing...?

I sang no words... How could she know what it means...? Unless she doesn't like that type of music... I'll apologize to her when she gets back.

Russia stuck her dinner in the oven and draped a moist cloth over it so as to not dry it out, and then sat down to eat his own supper. When he was finished, he checked the clock.

It's already ten...? Where could she be...?

An hour later she still wasn't home.

"I'll go luk for her tomorrow... Eet's too dark to go now," he murmured, climbing the stairs to go to sleep.


Russia plotted along, thinking.

She can't be in Russia. I'd know if she was. So... She's in another country. But where? Her own? No, it's too cold at night to stay on her island... Scotland? Wouldn't make sense. Too far away. That leaves only one place...


"He vas singing?" Ludwig confirmed.

I nodded. "But he was singing... A particular song..."

"Vhich vas...?" Gilbert asked, impatient.

"...Winter... In our world, that's his character song and... it's... bad... Really bad. At one point in the song it says, 'A fleeting nightmare Covered with a scarf I begin to move… Goodbye Even now, I don't understand.' A fleeting nightmare covered with a scarf? That's most definitely Russia... I'm scared of what he'll do. Someone put up on YouTube pictures to the song, and they fit very well... During all of the songs, he's killing off all of you guys. It gave me nightmares the first time I saw it."

Something flickered through Elsbeth's dark eyes. "I saw that, too. My friend, when she heard that Russia was one of my favorites, forced me to watch it. It freaked me out, too."

Ludwig sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Okay. So vat ve have here ist zat Ivan vas singing a song, und it vas creepy, ja?"

I nodded. "Ja."

"So ve don't know if he ist going to do anyzing, ja?"

I shook my head. "He's going to do something. In an episode, that song was playing in the background as he was about to force Lithuania to be his friend as a kid..."

Gilbert flew out of his chair. "Zat bastard! I knew he vas going to do something vhen he sent General Vinter on us!"

I calmly stood and gently placed my hands on his shoulders, pushing him back in his chair. "Teutonic Knights, calm yourself," I ordered, hands on hips as I looked down at him. "You were just a teen. And you have to admit, Russia was bullied when you guys were younger."

Prussia looked away, huffing, muttering about being awesome. I rolled my eyes, sitting back down.

"Let's think for a moment shall we?" Elsbeth murmured. "Can't we just ask him?"

I blinked. Was an idea...

"You've... Got a point," Ludwig gave. "Let's go ask him vhy he was singing zat song."

I stood, brushing off my pants. "Brilliant Idea, Holmes. Shall we go--"

*Knock knock*


We all exchanged looks, the two Germans grabbing their pistols and Elsbeth her whaling spear. I had to raise a brow at that, but she was already headed for the door. I stayed back, weaponless and terrified if it was Russia.

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