Chapter Twenty-Three

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Inallika lounged on her couch; her arm was dangling over the edge while her other hand held her cell to her ear, listening to the German talk in his amazing accent.

"I vas making a cake vhen I heard zhe door open and a voice be sing-song. So I vhent to go look only to have Anahi tackle me!"

Nali's bright laughter rang through the room. "I bet you weren't expecting that, huh?"

"Nein! And zhen, vhen I pushed her off me, she used me as a spring board to do the same to Bruder!"

Nali smiled, remembering her chatting for hours about her obsession with the Prussian. "That's Anahi for you... How did Gilbert like that?"

"Vell, Anahi vasn't very good vith her aim, and so vhen she grabbed him, she ended up spinning around and landing on the floor, vith Gilbert on top of her!"

Nali started laughing again.

"It's not funny! Gilbert should be kept at arms length at all times!"

The Inuit just smiled. "Oh, Luddy, lighten up. Gilbert is still--"

"A virgin, I know. So they told me..."

A light chuckle came bubbling out of her mouth. "You sound like a grumpy old man waving his cane about at the young boys going after his daughter."

"You're point?"

"You can't stop Anahi from falling in love.  You can't force her to fall in love anyone. She's already chosen who she loves, and there's nothing really that you can do," Nali spoke wisely, raising a hand to look at the cieling through her fingers."

"So... She loves Gilbert, then?"

Nali let her hand fall onto her stomach. "Yup. And you know how your brother feels. I also know that he would do nothing to hurt her. So stop worrying, okay?"


A beep came from her phone and she pulled it back, discovering that Kadi was trying to call her. "Hey, Ludwig, Kadi is trying to get through. I'm going to have to let you go. I'll call you right back, okay?"

"Okay. Oh, actually, don't. I still haven't made zhat cake..."

Nali laughed again. "Okay. Bye, Ludwig. See you soon."

"See you soon, Ina."

Greenland smiled when she heard him say that, and answered the call with a chipper, "Hello!"

"Yo. What put you in a good mood? Never mind, don't answer."

Nali scowled.

"Anyway," Kadi continued. "I've got a predicament. There seems to be a demon cat in Siberia and I currently can't get up there to investigate. Could you, please?"

Nali sighed. "Kadi, I'm in the artic circle, in the winter."

"Exactly. No worries about the ice breaking."

Greenland sighed, her hand resting on her forehead, now. "Kadi... What if a storm came up?"

"I'll keep them at bay! Please, Nali? Yorgi is terrified. And you are the Cat Whisperer in our group."

"So is Anahi. Ask her to do it!"

"Can't. She's currently AWOL."

Right... At Germany's house, and Kadi doesn't know.

"...Fine," she grumbled, sitting up. "I'm on my way."

"Thank you, Nali~."

Nali rolled her eyes. "Whatever. I'll call you when I get it under control."

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