Chapter Twenty-Nine~

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I grabbed the pictures of David and Dr. Who memes before racing to my northern friend to get her out of her trance. When I got to her house, I saw Ludwig sitting on the couch, watching something. I smiled.

"Hey, Ludwig," I stated.

He turned to saw me and switched the TV off, following me up the stairs.

"Hey, Nali..." I started.

"Leave me be."

"I have something for you..."

"Don't want it."

I gave Ludwig a knowing smile before slipping a picture under the door. There was silence, and then shuffling was heard, and then the paper was picked up.

"What about him."

"He's no longer the Doctor," I pointed out. "And yet he is. Come on, Nali. Please, you're worrying every body..."


I slipped another picture under the door.

She picked it up.

This went on until I ran out of pictures, so I pressed my palm against the doorknob and closed my eyes, managing to unlock the door with a click. I opened it and stepped in, closing the door behind me, and kneeling down next to her.

I just sat there, looking around while Nali held a death grip with the pictures.

On her bed were her T.A.R.D.I.S. blankets and pillows, as well as her Doctor dolls and sonic screwdriver. On her dresser were her mugs and "DALEKtables" ( Her floor had a Doctor Who throw rug, and her walls were covered in Doctor Who posters.

Since the room was covered in the fandom, I wasn't surprised in  the slightest when I realized she was wearing her "Keep Calm I'm the Doctor" T-shirt with T.A.R.D.I.S. pj pants.



"Snap. Out of it."

She looked up at me with gloomy eyes.

I sighed, rummaging through her room until I found a bag, and started packing away all things Doctor Who.

"Wai--wha--!" Nali exclaimed, watching me in horror as I reluctantly chucked the 9th Doctor into the bag.

Note to self... I thought. Get that doll.

"It's for your own good," I stated, gathering up her rug and tossing it into the bag.

She grabbed ahold of a corner of the blanket that I was starting to add to the bag and tried to steal it from my grip. "Nooooo!"

"Nali!" I chastised, managing to wrench the cloth out of her death grip. "You're acting very immature right now! You are a big girl country, running your own government without Big Brother's help. Get. Over it."

She grumbled, curling up and watching me as I carefully placed the mugs and DALEKtables into a box I had found. Once all the items were packed away, I went around replacing the items with pictures of Ludwig and his dogs, her kitten blanket, and her Holstein print pillow. When I was finished, I turned to her and gave her my best motherly glare. It must have worked, because she looked away.

"Okay, Nali. Here's what's going to happen. I'm going to hand you a change of clothes and a towel, and you're going to take a shower. Once you're done, we're going to do your hair, and then we're going to do the same thing to Engand and Alice. Okay?"

She sighed and nodded.

I nodded. "Good." I turned and rummaged through her closet to hunt down a pair of jeans and a knitted sweater, then found a towel in the bathroom. I handed them to her and she started her shower. When she was finished I helped her do her hair, and forced her to hug Ludwig in appology. She did so, and we scampered into England, where we burst into his house and I flashed Peter a smile.

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