Chapter Eighteen~

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"Well, Kadi, Carmen and I all know each other outside of here..."


My ears perked and I stood, ramming square into the thick Russian, causing me to promptly fall back into my seat.

"Enjoying it?" Ivan smiled.

"Y-yes... I love reading... Um... What did I do wrong...?"

"Nozhing. It's time for you to go back to your room."

My face fell. "Can I bring a book with me...?"

He pondered a bit before nodding. "Da."

"Thank you," I smiled, selecting a book and hugging it to my chest, quickly scaling the stairs. I stepped into my room and Ivan shut and locked the door behind me. Two steps in a body quickly grabbed me and covered my mouth to keep from screaming.

"It's me..." soothed a voice in my ear.

I relaxed, spinning around and hugging the albino. "Prussia..."

"Yeah, yeah, you finally see each other again," huffed a voice. "Now can we get going? I have a house to explode..."

I looked over and gawked at the second person. "K-Kadi?!"

"In the flesh," she confirmed. "Now let's get out of here."

"Vait, you know her?" asked the Prussian.

"Long story," I explained.

"Tell you later," Kadi promised, grabbing Prussia's wrist, the later keeping me close. A quick recitation and we were a ways outside, a safe ways away from the house.

"Now where did... There they are. Okay, Gilly, you stay here with Carmen. I'm going to bomb that house," explained the brunette, pulling out some colored balls.

"Wait!" I ordered. "That's Yorgi's house!"

She frowned, then grinned. "Problem solved. Alright, change of plans. Gilly, take her back to the World Summit pronto. I'm going to scare that stupid Russian..."

I sighed. "Just don't kill him, okay?"

"You want the little bastard to live?!"

I nodded. "He's just unstable... All he needs is security."

"Security in what? A strait jacket?"

I shook my head. "I know this sounds cliche, but... All he needs is a little bit of love."

Prussia hugged me tight. "Not from you, he doesn't. He tried to kill you!"

"That's it, he's dead."

"Wait a second!" I cried. "He didn't try killing me once while I was with him... And he gave me his scarf, too," I noted, snuggling deep into the fabric, inhaling the husky sent that was Russia.

Kadi eyed me. "His scarf."


"Did he try anything with you..."


"Man... Okay, I wont," caved Kadi.

"Thank you, Serafina."

If looks could kill...

"You're welcome, Persia," she shot back, darting into the house.

I stared at her, unable to move.

"Persia?" asked Gilbert.

"I... Don't know... I..."

The world faded away as I went limp in Gilber's arms.

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