Chapter Thirty-Nine~

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I rubbed my eyes, yawning and stretching before swimming out to go hunt down my friends.

Ah, I thought, smiling. I sure hope that I get to see Nali and Kadi today! Oh, and Gilbert... Ah, Gilbert... Heehee...

I smaked myself, earning odd looks from the other merepeople. I smiled at them before hurrying off.

"Ana!" I heard a voice call. "Ana!"

I turned to see Lissy with Kylie. "Hey, guys! Want to go hunt down our men?"

Kylie flipped her hair as best she could in the water. "I do not have a man."

I smirked before grabbing her wrist. "Oh, come on."

We hurried ourselves along, eventually finding ourselves in the town square. There, all the rest of our friends were swimming and laughing with each other. I snapped my fingers when I saw that Feliks was arguing with Gilbert. Winking at Alice, I dragged Kylie with me.

"Alright you, two," I smirked. "There's plenty of us to go around."

Gilbert looked over at me and grinned, pulling me in close. "Hallo, mein Frau."

I giggled and took his hand before swimming off. "Come on, there's something that I want to show you."

He allowed me to take him a little ways off where we settled ourselves behind some coral.

"Vhat ist it?" he asked.

I pointed at the blushing Kylie and Feliks in reply. "I think I've just initiated the first move."

He chuckled and ruffled my hair.


Kiana settled herself down on her rock, curling her tail up under her. Lovino splashed and played in the water a little ways away from her, causing her to smile.

"Kiana!" he called, splashing her. "Come in before you get dried out!"

"Ugggg," she whined, slipping her tail into the water, though the rest of her body stayed on the rock. "It's so warm..."

Lovino scowled. "Don't make-a me pull you in!"

Kiana splashed him. "I'll fight you if you do!"

Lovino weighed his options before diving under the water. He didn't come back up for a while, so Kiana pushed it out of her mind.

Until she felt something grab her tail and yank her down under the water.

"Lovino!" she roared, chasing after the laughing boy. "I'll tie you to your bed! I'll keep you from eating! I'll! I'll!"

Lovino laughed as he put on a burst of speed.


Alice snuggled up against Matthew as they watched the sea creatures play on the ocean floor. They saw a very angry Kiana chasing a very amused Lovino above them, and Alice smiled.

"They'll get married one day," she murmured.

"God help their children," Matthew muttered.

Alice whacked him and he yelped, rubbing his arm. "Hey!"

She leveled a finger at him with raised brows in warning, and he looked away, muttering.


Ludwig sighed, rubbing his eyes over the amount of paperwork that he had. Nali swam up behind him and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly. He relaxed under her grip and patted her arm.

"Thank you, Liebe," he sighed, leaning against her. "Zhat vas just vhat I needed..."

Nali smiled and nuzzled him before kissing his cheek and looking over his shoulder. "What are you working on?"

"Zhat gym needs some working on, so I decided to do take care of it," he answered, picking up his writing tool and going back to work.

Nali watched him silently, her arms still wrapped loosely around him.


Feliks scratched the back of his head. "Eh-heh... Hey, Kylie. You look totally fantastic..."

She blushed. "O-oh, um... Thanks... Feliks..."

There was a pause.

Come on, Feliks! the blond silently coached himself. This is the perfect chance! Do it!

"W-w-would you like to, like... Like... Um..." he paused to take in a deep breath. "Would you like to go out on a date with me?" he finally asked.

You go it, Feliks! Please say yes, please say yes...

Kylie's face was a mixture of shock and glee. "Y-yes! Yes, I would love to go out on a date with you, Feliks!"

He smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of his head. "Heh..."


They were both grinning like idiots while a pair of red, and a pair of gold eyes watched them, their own grins huge.

"Score!" I cheered, though still quiet so they couldn't hear me.


It was so not far. Allistor had just been lounging in some sea weed when suddenly he was attacked.

"I got you!" Kadi exclaimed, starting to tickle him. Allistor writhed around until he managed to flip Kadi around and pin her to the sand.

"Don't do that," he ordered.

"Or what?" Kadi countered.

"Or I'll toss you to the sharks," he answered.

Kadi snickered. "Pfff, no you wont."

He glared at her for a little before he kissed her. It was true. He'd never do that to Kadi.


Gilbert smiled, snuggling me as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Mmm... Anahi..."

I smiled, my arms wrapped around him in a hug. "Yes, Gilbert?"

"Everyone else is so advanced in their relationships... Kadi and Allistor are practically living with each other, Kiana and Lovino have a strong relationship with each other, Nali and Bruder are married, and Alice and Matthew are nearly engaged..."

I saw where this was going.

"...What about us?"

I pulled away a little so I could look at him. "Well... We are both innocent..."

I got a look and I poked his nose.

"Well we are!" I laughed. "But we're not mature like Alice, Matthew, Nali, and Ludwig," I continued. "We're between them and Kiana and Lovino."

He smiled, nuzzling me. "I get it..."

I smiled, returning the nuzzle. "Good."

He chuckled before pulling me into a kiss.


I woke up to the scent of bacon and tossed my covers off me, padding down the stairs to where Gilbert was cooking in the kitchen. I draped my arms around him with a smile.

"Good morning, Gilly," I crooned, pecking his cheek.

"Guten Morgan, Liebe," he returned, flipping the bacon over.

We stayed like that for a little while before I shuffled about, getting myself a cuppa.

"Have the kids woken up, yet?" I wondered.

He shook his head. "Not yet. We've still got a little bit of time to ourselves." He put the bacon on a plate and slid it into the oven to warm until the kids woke up and turned around, pulling me into his embrace.

I chuckled, leaning against him, and giving him a kiss.


Short chapter, but this one his happy. And we're at the last dimension, guys! Almost done!

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