Chapter Four~

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I was snuggled deep in Scottie's couch, flipping through the channels, looking for something good. "Come on," I muttered. "Where's some Globe Trekker or Waiting for God?"

Scottie planted himself right next to me, leaning his weight on me. "What now, Lassy?"

"Oof! Off! Off the Carmen!" I yelped, trying to shove him off. He refused, instead snuggling against me.

"Mmm... But you're so cumfy..."

"Don't you even--ahhh... S-Scottie...? W-what..."

He nuzzled my ear, continuing to twist Lanternfish around his finger. "It's been a month since you've been living with me... and... I know why China did what he did, now..."

"B-but you're me... brother..."

Scottie shook his head. "Nay. Not you're brother. Our vast climates prove that. Our ruins prove that. I think that you are a middle-eastern country. No relation to me."


Scottie gave my ahonge a small tug, pulling my lips to his. I gave a small mewl of protest but he ignored me, pulling me closer. I relaxed, letting him kiss me.

So he's not a brother... I'm not sure if I like that or not. I mean, I've always had a crush on China, and I've always loved Scotland, and I am part Scottish by human blood, but there are so many other people out there, so many countries... And... China...

My heart ached at the thought of him. Since I had moved out, we hadn't talked to each other once.

I managed to push Scotland away from me, my head hanging. "I'm sorry... But... I..."

"Yu love someone else?"

I shook my head. "Yes and no. I'm sorry... I... I'm sorry." I stood and ran out the door, strait for my country. There I promptly sat down in my ruins and thought.





All of them my favorites.

China and Scotland loved me. I loved them.

Prussia and Russia I hadn't spent much time with, but...

...maybe I should.

I stood up and headed towards Germany.

"Hello, Brothers!" I chimed, waltzing into Germany's home. "I have a question for you both!"

"Was ist?"

"Say 'squerral'."

They blinked at me.





As the brothers tried in vain to pronounce the difficult English word, I, in the mean time, was dying laughing.

"You!" Prussia cried, jabbing a finger in my direction once he figured out my trap. "You did this on purpose! You tricked us!"

I winked at him. "Aye. That I did, Laddy."

"You've been spending vay to much time vith de red-headed bastard," Germany muttered.

I waggled my finger at him. "Be nice to your fellow country."

He shook his head.

"Hey, mind if I crash at your place for a short while? Scottie and I need a break."

They exchanged looks.

"One only have two bedrooms..."

"I can sleep in the front room. And it'll only be for a bit."

Germany eyed Prussia. "...Vell... Okay. So long as mine bruder doesn't do anything foolish."

Pruss smacked him on the back. "I alvays behave!" He winked at me.

I shivered.

I was going to love this.


I UPDATED!!! Okay, so it's short... but I updated! And don't we got a little love triangle going on here? ;) Vote on who Carmen should end up with! I may not chose the highest bidder, but it will effect my choice!

School's started, so I may not update for another short while, but I promise I haven't left!

Shayla out!

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