Chapter Fifty-Eight~

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I woke up the next morning to a pillow being thrown on my head.

"Vake up! Mien Gott you sleep!"

I sat up, emotionless.

I looked down at the pillow in my lap.

I grabbed it and shoved it into the albino's face.

"This isn't Usa-chan."

The pillow got yanked away and I got yanked onto the floor. I popped up from said floor and glared at him, striking a pose with so much sass that Kylie would be proud.

"Oh, you did not just do that, boy!" I snapped at his face.

He stared down at me with red orbs that he called eyes. "Oh, I just did do that, Mädchen!" (Girl)

"Du Junge! Du ein kleiner Junge!" (You, boy! You a younger boy!)

"Alte Hexe!" (Old Hag!)

I balked and narrowed my eyes. "You did not just call me that!"

"I zhink I just did!"

The door was thrown open. "Would you two knock it off?!?!?!" roared Nali, making us jump and cling to each other. I was the first to recover and threw my book at her.

"Here's a peace offering! Please, take it! Do not spill your wrath onto us humble servants!"

Nali didn't even crack a smile. She just gave us the most motherly warning look she could muster (and boy, did she look like she meant business) and walked away, leaving the book on the floor where it landed.

I rushed over to the book and hugged it to my chest, raising my head skyward.

"Oh, the Gods! The Great Goddess Inallika has found displeasure in me and rejected my offering! I am to die before the day is done!"

"Keep it up and I'll drown you!" was her retort.

England sighed as he walked passed the open doorway on his way to the stairs. "Anahi, please. You're the oldest one here. At least try to act mature?"

I popped up like I was a clown from a Jack-n-the-Box. "Okay~!" I sang, tossing my book onto my bed and prancing after him, hands clasped behind my back. "I hate you! You hate me! Lets hang Barney from a tree! With a big shot gun and a loaded .44! No more purple dinosaur!"

"Who spiked your coffee this morning?" wondered Alice as she shuffled to the table, said coffee in her hands.

"No one!" I cheered.

"Oh, Alah, Mama woke up hyper this morning..." Kiana groaned.

"Yup!" I answered, dancing over to the kitchen and swiping one of Scotland's meat pies to eat.

"'Ay!" he called, trying to go after me. I shoved the whole thing into my mouth and giggled like an evil three-year-old mastermind and hiding behind the couch.

"You have plenty of food left, Scotty! Go drag some dead in and deep fry it!"

Under his breath he muttered something about "Danny Bhoy" as he stomped back to the kitchen.

"Ah! Kadi! Ye be eatin' all me food!" he exclaimed once he arrived back.

She giggled. "Sorry Allie~" she sang.

"Soon..." I cackled, rubbing my palms together as I skulked about the house. "Soon I vill hav all of zhe countrees in zhe palm of my hand... Yeeeesss... Soon zhey vill all be as hyper as me, mwahaha!"

"No one could be as hyper as you, Sora," Moldova giggled. "Well, maybe except for me!"

I gasped, taking a step back. "Vhat? I hav a rival?" I exhaled dramatically, clutching my chest and falling to the floor. "Impossible!"

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