Chapter Nineteen~

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I rushed over to Kadi and pulled Russia onto the couch. "Good grief, girl! What did you do to him?!"

"Just roughed him up a bit and bombed Moscow."

I facepalmed before hovering my hands over the Russian, murmuring something. Soon his burns started to heal enough so he would survive. I stood and unwrapped the scarf to give it to him before letting him rest, giving death glares to any and all countries who dared try anything involving harm to Ivan.

They all backed away and I sat in my own little emo corner, watching the others as I kept an eye on my captor.

"I still don't see vhy you vant to protect zhat bastard," wondered Prussia, walking up to me.

"I pity him, that's why," I shot back. "Let's see you get stuck in an ice box for centuries and not go crazy."

"Oh, so you're on his side now?"

"I never said that!"

"It sounds like it to me!"

"You didn't see him break down when I sang haunting Christmas Carols! You didn't see him order me back inside when I built a snow sunflower! You didn't see him give me his scarf because I was cold!" I yelled at him, standing, now. "I did!"

My words echoed through the silent room. Nila walked up to me and rested a hand on my shoulder. "Carmen, calm down..."

I wrenched her hand away from me. "I'm Anahi, now, Inallika. And leave me alone!"

"Carmen," Kadi warned. "When you get angry you're magic becomes uncontrollable. Cool down before I knock you out."

My eyes flicked between my two best friends and the albino. Loud silence was heard for what seemed like minutes. Finally I ran outside, my boots clopping on the floor as I exited the room. I ran randomly through the halls, picking a room on a whim, and diving inside, slamming the door shut and locking it behind me. A small square of light was the only thing that could be used to see, and it lead me to the darkest corner in the small storage room. I curled up here and waited until I could face them again.


*Knock knock knock. Creeeaaaak...*

"Anahi?" asked a voice, waking me up.

I kept my eyes closed, regulating my breathing, faking sleep. Just go away...

No such luck.

"Anahi, I know you're awake."

Not buying it.

"Please, can't you talk to your little brother?"


"Prussia is really worried about you..."

Good for him.

"Don't make me bring in Kadi."

Have at it.

"Anahi!" he ordered sharply, something hitting my gut, forcing my eyes open and the air out of my lungs. I glared at the blond, sending it back at him full force.

"Get away! How did you even get in here?!"


I growled and shoved Romania back out, locking the door behind me. "And if I catch you trying to get in I'll send the wrath of Zues on you!"

"Oh, so scared."

I glared at the door and went back to my corner, curling up.

"Anahi," whined Romania. "Please?"

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