Chapter Thirty-Three

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The door slammed open, waking us up. Maria raced up and ran over to embrace her sister while I hit Anori in the back, sending him reeling into the couch.

Anori scrambled up, glaring at me. "What the hell was that for?!"

"For worrying Maria half to death!" I shot back.

"Maria... You vere... Vorried...?" Monika stammered.

"Of course," she stressed. "I always vorry about you!"

Monika looked very confused. I know how she felt, thought. I was shocked, too, when I first saw Maria's serious side. But it just made me love her even more.

Anori stood and raked his fingers through his silver hair before smoothing the hansom locks down. "Okay, okay, so maybe we should have left a note or something," he relented. "But if you guys wouldn't stalk us every time, you wouldn't have worried, now, huh?"

"You started it," pointed Maria, looking pointedly at Monika, who gave her a look.

"You vere zhe one vho kept bozhering us," stated Monika. "You kept following us on our dates!"

"Hey!" Maria exclaimed, going back in a stance that reminded me of Amelia. "Those were pure coincidences!"

I chuckled. "I have to admit that she's right. There were other dates that you guys had alone, and other dates that we had alone. I guess it just became a sort of game for us to spy on each other."

Anori leaned an elbow on my shoulder. Quite a feet considering that I was a good head taller than him.

"I agree with Sarmad," he stated. "There were times that we would be alone, remember?"

Monika frowned in thought. "...Yeah... I guess..."

I ruffled her head and she glared at me, righting her hair and hat. "So. What did you guys do, anyway?"

"We sailed!" boasted Anori.

I chuckled. "You would..."

"How romantic!" squealed Maria, crushing her sister in a hug. "Did you kiss on the boat, the wind running through your hair, the salty spray covering you, the sun high overhead?"

"Ack! No! Get off me!" ordered Monika, struggling to get free.

Anori and I watched the two sisters bicker it out, chasing each other around the house and yelling at each other. I leaned against him, elbow on his head. He glared up at me.

"Looks like things are back to normal," I chuckled.

He growled, shoving my arm away. "Yeah. Now all we fear are their schemes against us."

I shuddered. "I think I'm locking my door tonight... and piling furniture in front."

Anori looked up at me. "Can I join you?"


Amelia slammed her hands down on the table, making the papers and her skirt flutter. Some of the male states quickly looked down to see if they could see anything, and did. Their country's fist.

"Guys!" she cried. "Get it together!"

They grumbled, including Alex, slouching in his chair with his arms crossed. He still wasn't over Maddy making hazelnuts taboo.

"But Amelia," whined South Dakota. "There's nothing to do!"

"We need to go over Obama Care!" Amelia insisted.

"Why?" challenged Idaho. "It doesn't matter if the whole country is against it; you're still going to insist in keeping that illegal law."

Amelia looked taken back.

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