Chapter Forty-Seven~

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I woke up and rubbed my eyes, looking over at the sleeping form that was England and smiled, remembering all that happened during the Persia-Portugal War. I sat and hugged my knees, resting my head atop them, still watching Arthur.

I chuckled quietly. We had changed a lot since then. He was no longer the ruthless pirate, plundering all that he could find; I was no longer the rough-and-tumble raider, breaking into tombs and anything else that might have considerable value. Now he was the prim and proper gentleman; I was the hyperactive and fun ancient.

I looked ahead across the clearing before standing, shrugging off his cloak, and draping it over him. He stirred a little, but settled back down. I smiled before heading out of the woods. Once I got out, I stopped. Where should I go? I didn't want to face just anyone. In all honestly I didn't want to talk to almost anyone. No one that I was close to, anyway.

I found myself walking east.


In the morning Nali opened her eyes to see Prussia six inches away from her face. She jolted awake and scrambled back, grabbing her pillow and hurling it at him.

"Gilbert! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

He straitened, tilting his head to the side, staying silent as he looked at her questioningly.

"...What...?" she asked, leery. "Don't tell me that you and your 2p switched places..."

He scowled. "Nein! I was just vondering if you knew..."

Nali eyed him. "Knew what...?"

"Zhat Bruder is secretly a fan of bondage," he stated.

"Oh..." she started, face going into a "I really didn't need to know this and I am quite uncomfortable with it but I don't want to flip out so I'm going to try to act dignified like England but it's obvious that I didn't like it" face while she started blushing (for those of you who know Nali's creater... you know the face). "Lovely..."

Germany stepped in, rape face on as he pulled out a pair of handcuffs.

Nali shrieked and darted behind Prussia while Ludwig started laughing, tucking them back into their case on his hip.

"I vould never do zhat to you, Liebling," he chuckled. "I like you too much."

Nali eyed him, Prussia starting to laugh himself.

Note to self... Never trust Ludwig alone from now on, she thought to herself.


I hugged my blanket closer as I started getting into the snow. I really wished I hadn't given England his cloak back, but what could I do, now?

I rubbed my eyes as I stepped onto Finland. It was nearly noon, now, and I had been walking all of those hours. Needless to say I was ready to hit the hay. I forced my eyes open as I kept plodding along in the snow.

Hey... I'm close to Russia... I thought. I could go visit him.

I changed my course and kept wading through the snow. I passed through the Baltics and into Russia, plodding along until I reached his house. When I had, I hesitantly knocked on his door, shivering.

He pulled it open and blinked when he saw me. "Anahi!" he exclaimed before pulling me in and closing the door after me. He shut the door behind him, frowning at me. "Are you okay?"

I nodded, still shivering in my blanket. "Y-yeah..."

He nodded, still frowning as he lead me to the fireplace and sat me in front of it, switching my blanket out for a dry one and draping the other over a chair to dry.

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