Chapter THIRTY~!

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We waved good-bye to Cleo, the last one out of the house. Nali had come a little earlier, and Kiana was coming up the driveway, passing Cleopatra on her way. Alice was to be here shortly.

"Alright!" I clapped. "Let's go see what all we've got for food!"

Kiana raced ahead, her necklace bouncing against her chest as she beat us to the food.

"Chips... Crackers... Cheese..." She gasped. "Pistachios! Yes!" She ripped the bag open and started devouring the nuts. "Ank u!"

I laughed. "You're welcome."

Nali, in the mean time, was eating fish and crackers while Kadi munched on the cheese. I selected a few pistachios and some lamb, enjoying the taste while I piled some olives and grapes and figs onto a paper plate.

No sooner had I finished my bite of lamb than Alice burst into the door, threw her bag to the ground, and attacked the bowl of pears.

"Looks like you got everyone's favorite!" Kadi praised around a bite of cheese.

"Sank you," I responded in an obviously fake accent.

The rest laughed as they stuffed their faces.

"Hey, what is there to drink?" Kiana asked after her bag was half gone.

I looked to Nali. "I dunno, what did'ja get?"

She held up a finger in response, slotting another fish patted cracker into her mouth before leaving to get the refreshments. When she came back, she dumped bags full of soda, energy drinks, and juice onto the counter.

"Awesome!" I cried, attacking a can of soda while Kiana snatched an energy drink, opening it and downing it in practically one gulp.

We partied pretty mellowly until around ten, when we started getting really loopy. We were out in the family room, Kiana being the DJ while Nali was the dancer.

"Look! Look!" she giggled, doing a sort of wave thing with her body. "OoooOOOooooO!"

We laughed. "Nali, are you hyper?" I asked.

"Yup!" she giggled before shrieking when the next song came on way too loud.

Kiana doubled over laughing, unable to turn it down.

"Turn it off! Turn it off! Turn it off!" Nali shrieked, retreating to the farthest corner of the room, looking at the stereo system as if it was some sort of alien trying to abduct her.

I staggered over to it, laughing my butt off as I turned the dial, causing the electric guitar and trap set to quiet down. Nali crawled out of hiding only to clutch my ankle.

"My saviour!" she cried, refusing to let go of my leg, even when I shook it.

"Ack! Let go of me!"

"But! But!" she stammered. "The sound will get me if I let go!"

"The music will not get you, Inallika," I reassured shortly. Nali still hung on, howerver. I frowned and gave a hefty shake, only to loose balance and fall flat onto the floor.

"Oh-WAH oof!!!" I cried, inadvertently mimicking JarJar.

Kadi clapped, laughing while Alice, giggling, tried to help me up. Have I ever told you how difficult it was to get up while a one hundred thirty pound country was attacked around your leg? No? Well let me explain--It's as if your little sibling or cousin or niece or nephew decided to latch onto you. Fully grown.

It was very difficult, and Alice managed to fall over, too. Right on top of Nali.

"Yay!" she giggled, releasing me only to latch onto Alice.

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