Chapter Forty-Four~

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Russia shakily stood and staggered back to his homeland, using his cane to support himself. It was a difficult task, and it lasted all day and night, but eventually he managed to cross the border, keeling over and calling to his side in the snow, clutching his chest where Prussia had shot him. He smiled as he slowly slipped away.

"I guess thees ees vot I geet for takeeng them bok."

And with that, all went black.


Nali woke up to the door opening and slamming shut, and her annoying brother eagerly welcoming them.

"Hey-a, gu--!"

His enthusiasm turned into chokes and Nali sighed, getting up and standing on the top of the stairs, hands on hips.

"Lukas! Stop strangling him!"

The quiet nation looked up to see the youngest of the Nordics staring him down with glittering black eyes. He sighed and released him, stepping out of sight. Nali sighed and smiled at Iceland.

"Good morning, Emil. Are you okay?"

Her elder sent daggers towards his older brother. "As fine as I could ever be with having to deal with that one..."

Laughter bubbled out of Nali as she turned back to her room to get changed out of her pajamas. She threw on a pair of pants and a billowy shirt before padding down the stairs in her wool socks. Sweden had arrived by then, and was silently glaring at Denmark while he poured them all beers.

"Have a drink, Nali!" he offered, holding up a glass.

The Inuit politely smiled and declined before hiding in a corner, smiling as she watched her family interact with each other. Norway was bugging Iceland again, and Sweden was off in his own corner, probably worrying over Finland. Nali sighed, hugging her knees, trying to find the best moment to dash outside.

Denmark staggered in from having refilling his glass, spilling his beer as he did so. He must have had a few before we arrived, she thought before watching him closely. Yup, he was definitely drunk. She exchanged glances with Sweden and suddenly they were both at the door, fighting to get it open.

But it refused.

Nali looked up, her eyes locking onto the padlock keeping the door firmly shut. Sweden's gaze narrowed at it, laughter being heard from the living room.

"Yeh thought yeh could run?" Denmark snickered, standing and holding up the key. He wasn't drunk anymore.

Nali flew to the other end of the house, grabbing the handle of the back door only to find the butt of an ax ram into it, keeping it closed. Matthias leaned down so he was cheek to cheek with her.

"Did you really think that you could out run your big brother?" he purred into her ear. "Now come, little Nali, and stay with me... Just like you did when I was once a great kingdom."

Nali's eyes widened. No...

Italy looking for Holy Rome.

Denmark ordering all the Nordics over.

"You have our memories..." she breathed.

"Hmm?" Denmark asked, still purring. It disgusted the cat-lover to hear the sound she loved so dearly come out of the monster that was her older brother.

"Our memories... Kadi had us go through a special kind of trip through the different dimensions... We were actually the person, thinking like them, acting like them... You... You must have them..."

Denmark nuzzled her ear, making her blood boil. "I have the same memories as I always did. A few are a bit confusing, but they're there none the less."

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