Chapter FORTY~!

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Zelda's hurried footsteps alerted me to the soon to be stampede of glomping children. I quickly crouched down so I wouldn't be thrown back by my daughter's violent hug.

"Oof!" I exclaimed, falling on my rear and hugging her.

"Morgan, Mutti! Morgna, Mutti!"

I laughed, ruffling her hair. "Good morning to you, too, Zelda."

She giggled and scampered up to the table to eat her food while her little brother hurled himself at me, sending me flat on my back.

"Ouch!" I laughed, Gilbert doing so as well while Dastan hugged me so tight that he was choking me. "Ack! Okay! Leggo!"

He giggled and scrambled off me before crawling up to the table to eat. I rested against Gilbert, his arms around me as we watched our children bicker with each other as they ate. His hands found his way to my stomach and smiled, nuzzling my ear.

"Have they kicked yet?" he murmured.

I leaned into the nuzzle with a smile. "Mmm... Not yet."

He pouted, poking my belly. "You need to hurry up and move," he ordered. "Or else Daddy will name you Hikaru and Kaoru."

I gave him the evil eye. "And if Daddy doesn't quit it, Mommy will name you Elizabeth and Ivan..."

Now it was his turn to give the evil eye. "You wouldn't dare..."

I winked at him. "Oh, I would."

He scowled and rested his head on my shoulder, looking away from me. I chuckled and watched my children eat.


"Ha ha!" Alice cried, raising her Wii remote high in the air. "Beat you all!"

Milo and Matthew grumbled, button mashing until the rounds started again. Milo waited for the dice to roll before he flicked the remote, his little Toad punching the dice. He went the correct spaces, and ended up landing on a blue square.

Now it was Matthew's turn. He ate a Bowlo candy and proceeded to roll over Milo and Alice.

"So not cool, dad!" Milo cried, aghast when he saw that twenty coins were mising from his total.

"Matthew!" Alice exclaimed. "Well, now, payback time..." She had her character eat a WeeGlee candy and go after her son and husband. She got them both, and managed to get a Bitsized candy in the process. "Sweet!"

The computer went, and then it was time for the mini game, with Alice against Milo, Matthew, and the computer.

"Come on, jump rope!" she cheered.

"Come on, obstacle coarse!" Matthew and Milo urged.

It was the fighter planes that won out.

Matthew and Milo won.


Nali snuggled up against Ludwig, her hand laid protectively on her stomach.

"How's the baby?" he asked, wrapping his arms around her in a tight hug.

She smiled. "It's fine. Have you thought of any names, yet?"

He shook his head, smiling. "Not yet. For some reason I've been having trouble..."

Nali sighed, shifting so she was resting on Ludwig. "I know what you mean. Should we name after someone? If so, who? Boy? Girl? Middle name or what?"

Ludwig gave her a squeeze. "It'll be okay," he reassured, giving her a peck. "We'll find a name."

She smiled before returning her attention back at the show playing on the screen.

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