Chapter Thirty-Seven~

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I raised a brow at England. "Are you sure about this...?"

He sighed. "I'm a pirate. Not a politician."

"Oh?" I countered. "I'm raider. Do you really think that I am a politician?"

Arthur opened his mouth to counter, but gave me a cheeky grin instead. "Okay, you're right."

I sighed before shaking my head. "Come on. You're boss is sending relief for me, so let's go."

"I'm staying here," he decided. "I'm one for the sea, not for the land."

I made a face at him and proceeded to push him off the dock. He spluttered and thrashed until he got his bearings and swam over to me, grabbed the dock, and hauled his wet ass out of the water.

"What was that for?!" he yelled at me, growling as he started to wring out his clothes.

"You said you were one for the sea. I was just trying to speed up the marriage process."

Oh, if looks could kill...

"Well why don't I just bury you in sand, then?"

"A tomb, preferably."

He couldn't argue that, because that was exactly what I raided.

"Fine," he muttered through gritted teeth. "But I'm still not going."

I shrugged. "You still have to carry me across the English Channel."

"No, actually, I don't..."

I glared at him. "Okay, then... I can go talk to some kind Spanish merchants and have them take me over..."

My wrist was grabbed and I was dragged onto his ship. "Alright! Let's go!"

I chuckled to myself as I helped the men ready their ship. I may be a raider, but I was also a sailor. The British ships were odd to me, but I quickly adjusted with the many trips to and from England.

Just like England adjusted to horse back riding and desert hikes.

We were both unhappy.


"We're under attack!" cried out a crew member. England and I hurried to the edge to see a cavalry of ships heading our way.

"It's the Barbary Pirates!" one called, lowering his spyglass.

"Bloody 'ell!" England exclaimed before turning around and bawling out orders for his crew to follow. I turned back around to look at the ships, frowning.

Something didn't seem right with the lead ship...

I sneaked over to England and stole his spyglass before going back to the edge of the ship and looking through it.

"It's flying the Barbary Pirates' flag..." I murmured. "But the ships seems off..."

Someone walked across the deck and I cursed, collapsing the spyglass and hurrying over to England.

"England! England! You bloody pirate get over here!"

"What?!" he growled.

I handed him his spyglass. "They're not the Barbary Pirates... They're the Portuguese!"

"Bloody 'ell!" he cried, not even yelling at me for grabbing his spyglass and raced over to where I had been and looked through. "You're right!"

He hurried off to change orders while I had a stare down with the lead ship.

"Portugal... You won't take us down."


Kadi busied herself around her little farm, feeding animals here, weeding the garden there, milking the cow over there... She wiped her brow with her forearm, letting out a puff of air before crouching down to pull up that stubborn weed.

What if...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें