Chapter Thirty-Four~

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Nali looked out the window, worried.

"Are you sure we're safe, here, Ludwig?" she asked.

He nodded, pulling her into a fierce hug. "Yes, Ina, I'm sure."

Nali returned the hug while Gilbert sat on the window bench, staring out at the sunset over the trees.

"I wonder if Nahi is safe..." he murmured. "She will be, right?"

Nali nodded. "Yes. She's a tough fighter. She won't die."

He nodded and sighed, looking out again, spinning the band on his left ring finger absentmindedly. He sure did hope that Nali was right...


Scotty banged his head against the wall, groaning while he heard his brothers bicker.

"If you don't shut up, they'll hear you..." he warned.

The arguing stopped, and then resumed in hushed, yet intense, tones. Allistor sighed, closing his eyes.

When will this war end...? he wondered.


Alice sat cross-legged on the floor, head propped up by her hand, elbow resting on her knee as she watched her brothers and sisters interact with each other. She wondered if living together really was the best plan of action.

"I hope that Mattie is okay..." she murmured, watching Willow give Seth a noogy for trying to peek into the bathroom while she was showering.

Someone propped themselves up on her head, and Alice flicked her gaze up, seeing Kylie.

"Hey, Cali."

Kylie made a face. "Why so glum? Ooohh... Matthew?"

Alice nodded.

"Hey, he'll be fine. After all, cows hate snow. I should know," the blond boasted, sticking her chest out a little.

"Hey!" called Minnesota, having heard the comment. "We should know more about them cattle than you! We did it longer!"

"Yeah!" added Wisconsin while and Michigan nodded. "You don't even have snow!"

"Lies!" cried Kylie, now standing up and jabbing a finger accusingly at them. "Mount Shasta is in California!"

Alice crawled away while her siblings bickered over who knew more about cattle: the Dairy Belt, or the Dairy State.


Matthew smiled at the snow covering the ground.

No cow can get through the snow here! he thought, smiling. But the smile slowly fell. Though... Knowing them... They'll find Snow Hooves...

And that, would be a day all the snow-bound countries would fear.


I pulled Kiana close to me as I settled down for sleep. We had spent all day relocating, and we were all tired. Athena had offered to take the first watch shift, so I didn't have to worry about staying up.

I sighed, snuggling down for sleep, my arms wrapped firmly around my daughter.

They wouldn't take her skin if I had any say in it!

~*Back in the 1p world...*~

Kadi lounged on the couch, watching TV. On the table was a list. On the list were some lines. On the lines were some words. These words were either crossed out, or not. The crossed out ones were "2p!", "Nyotalia", and "Killer Cows". The uncrossed out ones were "Nekotalia", "Chibitalia", "Dreamtalia", and "Hisoritalia" to name a few.

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