Chapter Six~

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I woke up to banging on my door.

"Carmen! Elsbeth! Wake up! Someone's here to see you both!"

I groaned, rolling over. "Tell them to go away..."

"Carmen!" Prussia bellowed. "Don't make me come in there!"

"I dare you."

The door didn't open, and I sighed, settling down to sleep again. A few minutes later a soft knock was heard.

"Carmen... Elsbeth... We may have clues on who you both are..."

That got me. I flew back the covers, hurrying to the door as Elsbeth started to sit up. Double checking that we were both properly dressed, I opened the door to find Denmark, Wales and America.

"What did you find?" I asked, Elsbeth coming up behind me.

Denmark grinned. "I was making my rounds yesterday and discovered a house suddenly on one of my islands. I think it may have a connection to Elsbeth, here."

Elsbeth's face lit up. I turned to Wales and America.

"Anything more?"

Wales nodded. "Prussia told us what happened last night... You're strong for a girl. For a country, too."

America laughed. "So you must be apart of me!"

I shook my head, leaning against the door jamb. "Nope. I've got an island. No way I'm apart of you. Sorry, America."

He shrugged, sighing. "You're either a Celt or American."

I shook my head. "Greece, China, Ukraine, Papua New Guiney. They all have red hair."

I sighed at American's still hopeful face and pushed away from the door jam. "Sorry, not apart of America."

Al's shoulders sagged. "Are you sure...?"

"Yup. But tell you what. Give me a couple of minutes and I'll play some video games at your place."

He instantly brightened. "Sweet! Let's go!"

I laughed. "Okay, you go on ahead. I need to get out of my pajamas, ya know?"


And he was off like a long shot. Whelp, there's America for you... I turned to Wales. "Thanks, Dylan. Maybe I'll find a clue at his house."

He nodded and motioned Denmark to follow, Elsbeth following after.

"Going to check out the house," she murmured as she passed.

I nodded, closing the door and dressing. Once I was finished, I told Gilbert and Ludwing where I was going and vanished out the door.

My walk to America was uneventful. Managed to hide from France as I passed through his country, though, victory for me! Spain didn't see me either, and I leaped across the river into America. I smirked, stretching, enjoying the feel again. The feel of being in America. Sure we were goofs, loving video games and junk food, but hey. They loved us anyway.

I pranced out to his hous, trotting up the steps and letting myself in. I could hear him swearing in the other room.

"No! Not into the pit, you bastard! Dastan! I KNOW that you can leap those walls!"

I leaned against the door. "Having trouble?"

"Yes!" he cried, they guy on the screen jumping and sliding off the wall as he smashed the buttons. "He wont jump!"

I chuckled, jumping up and grabbing the molding on the top of the archway, hauling myself up and bracing myself up with my legs. "Maybe he doesn't know how...?"

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