Chapter Thirty-Six~

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I was suddenly awake. I looked over at Owner who was reading in her bed. I stood up and stretched before sneaking up to her, crouching, and pouncing her!

"Aah!" she yelped, throwing her book at me which I skillfully dodged before crawling up to her and purring. She started to play with me with her hands with a chuckle. "Every time, Nasha. Every time," she giggled.

I mrowled before hopping down to go play during the Witching Hour.


I woke up with a stretch and yawned, rubbing my eyes and wiping the drool off my face before crawling out of bed and picking up Screwtape. I padded outside of my room and went into the kitchen where France and England were fighting over each other.

"You bloody git!" England swore. "Stop trying to ruin my breakfast!"

"I'm not, mon ami!"

"I am not your friend, you frog!"

"Oui! You are zhe Black Sheep of Europe!"

That earned a punch to the nose.

I sighed, clutching Screwtape close as I shuffled over to Romania. "Nia? Do you have any breakfast left?"

"Da," he confirmed, uncovering a plate of cold cuts and cheese. "I made sure to have a plate ready for you."

I giggled and gave him a smile. "Thank you!" I settled down in my chair, slipping Screwtape some food as he sat in my lap. I swung my legs as I ate, watching the other countries trickle in.

Nali padded up behind me, munching on some whale blubber. My stomach made a retching sound when I saw her breakfast.


"Hey, it's no different from you eating bacon fat," she countered around a mouthful of the stuff.

"Is too!" I countered. "Bacon fat is all crispy and yummy and good. Whale fat is icky and nasty and gross."

She made a face and walked away.

When I had finished my meal I slipped off my chair and padded into the playroom where Prussia and Spain and Romano were playing. Little baby Iran was also there, but she was being guarded by Romano.

"Mama, Mama!" she giggled, running up to me and hugging my legs. "Mama, guess what?"

"What, little girl?" I asked sweetly.

She held up her wrist proudly, a charm bracelet tied around it. "Romano said that I was the princess, so I had to have some Royal Jewelry, so he gave me this!"

I gave her my best motherly smile. "Well that's very good, dear! Be sure that you thank Romano for it."

She beamed at Romano. "Thank you!" she giggled.

"Chigi..." he responded, looking away and blushing.

I giggled and trotted over to the easel to paint. I set Screwtape down and dipped the brushes in the paint and swiped them across the paper. I might have dribbled some, and Screwtape might have become Rainbow Kitty, but the picture was a beautiful picture of a hillside with lots of flowers and trees and cute wild animals!

"Ve~ That's-a good picture!" Italy smiled.

I smiled back, looking at his own drawing and sighed. "Not as good as you, though..."

"Here--I can help you!" He came around behind me and took my hand, guiding me. "Hold the brush like-a thees, okay?"

I followed his instructions, and soon, my picture was much, much more beautiful. "Thank you, Italy," I smiled. "It-a looks much better now!"

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