Chapter Thirty-Eight~

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I'm doing something slightly different. This chapter is going to be only about one character, but it ties into the dimension that they're in. Also, make sure that you watch the video from 3:00-4:10.


"I hereby announce..."

Prussia stared in shock. No...

"...That the Free State of Prussia..."

No! I can't! No!

"...Is officially dissolved."

The Albino let his tears roll freely.

"It will now be East Germany..."


"...Under the influence of Russia."

As the mental vodka lover approached him, Prussia remembered.


Prussia glared at the boy across from him in the lawn.

"You're always on his side!" he accused, jabbing a finger at the other boy. The brunette balked.

"Well it's no wonder!" the blond one shot back. "You've got a sore attitude!"

Prussia growled and threw a punch at him. Be blocked and offered his own punch, and soon the two young countries were at each other's throats.

Germany sighed, curling up and hugging his knees next to Austria. "Bruder and Hungary sure do fight a lot, don't they?"

Austria sighed. "Yes, the do."


"Hey!" Prussia called, growling as he ran up to the young teen. "Wait for me!"

Hungary looked back and scowled.  "No! You'll catch all the game before us!" He kicked his horse into gear and raced on ahead, holding his bow firmly in his hand as his hair streamed out behind him.

Prussia scowled and followed suit.


"Was?" Prussia asked.

"The Teutonic Order are no longer needed," he repeated. "Ve vill be known formally as the Kingdom of Prussia."

The albino blinked, trying to get the information to set it. "I'm... a Kingdom, now?"

He nodded. "And I am your king."

Prussia stood a little taller before falling to one knee. "My Lord."

"Rise," he ordered. When the country did, he continued. "I took the liberty of having a maid send the standard military uniform to your room. Please wear that."

Prussia nodded. "Yes, My Lord." He turned with a flourish, his outdated uniform cloak fluttering out behind him.


"Kesesesese! Vhat is zhis I see?"

Hungary looked up sharply, seeing the Prussian.

"Are you hurt?" he smirked.

"No!" Hungary retorted.

"Kesesesese! You are! Let me bandage you up!"

"Vizh vhat?" the other retorted.

Prussia turned around and ripping was heard. When he turned around, the area around his crotch was uncovered, and he was holding the cloth in his fists.

What if...Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat