Chapter Twenty-Seven~

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I brushed out my hair, taking my longer hair and fixing them into a braid on the side of my head. I then quickly adjusted my tight lace shirt before retreating into my room and hauling my stiletto boots over my leather skinny pants before rushing down the stairs where Prussia was waiting.

I stopped short, letting out a light gasp at the sight.

Prussia had his hair spiked with a few strands falling down his forehead. He was leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his leather vest. Encasing his legs were leather pants exactly like mine, however he was wearing combat boots. A chain ran from his belt loop to his back pocket, chaining his wallet in place.

He heard me gasp and flicked his ruby gaze on me before smirking and pushing off the wall to walk to me.

"Ready?" he asked.

I nodded, pulling out my ticket. "Ja."

He chuckled, grabbing me by my waist and pulling me along. "Zhen let's go."

I giggled and allowed him to lead me away.

We pushed through the flood of people, keeping close to each other so as not to loose each other in the crowd. We got up to the entrance and gave the person our tickets before hurrying to our places.

Gilbert fought until we got front row, and then glared at the people, daring them to shove us back. I smiled at that, and turned my attention to the snooty girl next to me.

"Hot Junge hast du da," she giggled. "Er dein Freund, oder was?"

Oh, rahat... I'm not fluet in German!

But she should be in English...

I smiled apologetically. "Ich bin nicht fließend Deutsch ... Können Sie Englisch?" (I'm not fluent in German... Can you speak English?)

She made a face. "Vhy vould you kommen to a German consort if you can't speak zhe language?!"

I scowled at her. "Ich weiß, etwas Deutsch!" (I can speak some German!)

"Was ist los, ihr zwei?" Gilbert demanded. (What's wrong, you two?)

Her attitude changed from snotty to flirty and put on a sweet smile. "Oh, wir waren nur ausrufen, wie aufgeregt wir waren für die Gemahlin!" (Oh, we were just exclaiming how excited we were for the concert!)

Gilbert raised a brow and I felt his arm snake around my waist, pulling me to him. "Zhat's not vhat I heard..."

She frowned. "Oh, really? Es tut mir leid."

I smiled. "You are not."

Her gaze shot over to me. "Amerikaner."

Gilbert shook his head. "Nein. Persisch."

She raised a brow to speak, but Rammstein appeared, and so we turned to watch.

All through the concert she continued to bug me until Gilbert scooted me around to the other side of him. Then she tried to pick Prussia up.

I still didn't know what she had asked me, but I caught her asking Gilbert about "Freund" again.

"Ja," he answered decisively, leaving her no room to open her mouth again.

She sneered at him before turning back at the stage while he and I rocked out to Engel.

After the concert as Prussia and I made our way back home, I asked him what "Freund" meant.

"It, uh... Means boyfriend."

I blushed.

"So sind Sie ihrem Freund?"

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