33- A Long Way Down

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We blasted through the carpark that google maps had led us to.

Cars and rubble tumbled into a hollow pit that we had uncovered.

A statue reared its head and the ivory face was revealed to the light of day.

Finally I knew what Annabeth had uncovered, the Athena Parthenos.

Percy was the first off of the ship. I was the last. I eyed the holes in the floor of the cavern. There was something familiar about what was below, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

I unwillingly climbed down the rope ladder and into the cavern.

Percy had wrapped Annabeth in a tight embrace and Annabeth seemed close to tears.

She described what had happened since we last saw her and it didn't sound fun. It sounded impossible, I wasn't sure that anyone else could've managed it.

Annabeth managed to get to the end of her story before the cavern shuddered and more of the floor crumbled away.

"The statue!" Annabeth yelled and then winced as she shifted her weight onto her broken ankle, "secure it!"

Jason and Frank hurried of and began wrapping lines around the statue.

Piper and Leo headed back to the rope ladder.

"We shouldn't stay here!" I shouted over the sounds of falling rocks. I eyed the holes in the floor.

I headed back to the ladder and climbed up it, not looking back.

When the dust cleared we found Hazel and Nico clinging to the ladder. Percy and Annabeth were nowhere to be seen. They had fallen into the pit.

The words of my mother and the prophecy were becoming clear now. And I realised why those holes in the floor had made me so uneasy.

I gasped for air. Realisation hit me like a truck. I had to go back. That's what the prophecy meant. I had to show Percy and Annabeth the way to the doors of death and get them out of Tartarus.

It was too much. I couldn't go back there, I thought I was free. I thought I would never have to go back.

But clearly the fates had a different plan. Would I ever see Apollo again? Would I ever even see the sun again? Those questions flew through my head as I staggered to one of the rails of the Argo.

"Ri?" Piper asked, putting a hand on my back, "what's up?"

"I know what the prophecy means," I was still gasping for air, on the verge of a panic attack, "I have to go back there, I have to help them."

"There?" Piper frowned.

"I have to go home." I said, more to myself than anyone else, "I have to see her again, oh gods no."

I sunk down and sat on the deck. Nico Di Angelo walked over, using his sword for support. His time in the bronze jar had weakened him.

"You have to go to Tartarus." He stated.

I nodded and hugged my knees to my chest. "I have to help them, they won't make it on their own, they'll have to travel through my mother's house to get to the doors. They can't see what's inside, it will literally burn up their souls."

"Why?" Hazel was close behind her brother, "What's inside."

I shook my head, the horrors of that place were indescribable. There was everything and nothing all at the same time. Living there had literally almost killed me. The only reason it didn't was because of my mother.

She had come to me and told me this was going to happen.

I looked off towards the horizon, "you guys have to go to Epirus. I'll stick with you as long as I can, but whatever happens you have to close the doors."

"What if you don't get out?" Piper asked, fear all over her face.

"We will." I set my jaw. I wasn't sure of that. But I knew damn well that I was getting Percy and Annabeth out, whatever it took.

Hey guys!
I'm going to just update this at weekends now, every weekend you should get at least one or two updates! This is mainly because I've been neglecting my Witches and Wizards series And Criminal Series, once I wrap up Innocent (which is almost finished) I'll try to get updates out faster again.
Remember to vote, comment and check out my other books!
~Em xx

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