63- Never Fear! A God Is Here!

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"Yes," I said, dropping my helmet, "Yes, that's my name."

"Oh my gods." My mother said.

"No!" I hurried over and took her hand, "just one god."

"This is so weird." Someone said. But I didn't care; I was fully focused on my mother.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah," she sat up, "I'm okay." She got to her feet, still holding my hand, "I need to get dressed."

Someone threw her some clothes and she hurried off to the bathroom to change.

I looked at the other people in the room.

"Hello, I'm Caius." I told them, "God of life, mortality and immortality." The three people stared at me. "Who are you?" I prompted them.

The middle one was the first to come to his senses.

"I'm Will Solace." He said, "head councillor of the Apollo cabin. This is my brother Austin and my sister Kayla."

"Yes, I know you!" I applauded myself, "You are demigods."

"Yeah." Will nodded.

"And my siblings." I added.

"Yeah." Will said again. "I guess so."

The door of the bathroom opened and my mother walked out. She was dressed in jeans and an orange tshirt. Her hair was pulled back from her face.

"We need to go to Olympus." My mother declared.

I laughed, "I was thinking the exact same thing."

Together we walked out of the cabin.

"You can't just go!" Will Solace followed us.

"To hell I can't." my mother protested.

Will frowned, "You promised, you promised Apollo."

"I promised Apollo that I'd stay here until Cai was born." She said, "in case you haven't noticed he's been born."

"Yes I have." I smiled.

"So we're going to Olympus."

"At least talk to Chiron first." Will offered, "ask him what you should do."

Mother rolled her eyes, "He'll tell us we should go to Olympus."

"Maybe," Will nodded, "But talk to him."

"Yes!" I offered, "I would like to talk to Chiron."

"How do you even know who Chiron is?" Will gave me a strange look.

"Because I remember talking to him." I said, why didn't this person know that, it was obvious, even to me.

"You've never spoken to Chiron." Will scoffed.

"I listened, when I was in my mother's womb."

"You can't remember that?" Will look scandalised.

"Oh yes," I nodded, "it was quite cramped, but very nice and warm. And I could hear everything."

"Can we all quit talking about my womb like it's a place to go on holiday." My mother rubbed her forehead, "let's just go talk to Chiron."

She walked off with Will and I hot on her heels.

"Is that the big house?" I asked, looking up at the three story blue building, "I thought it would be bigger."

My mother ignored me, which I did not appreciate. She ploughed on and walked straight into the building.

"Chiron!" she yelled. A man in a wheelchair rounded the corner.

"Where are your horse legs!" I exclaimed, "I image they are rather majestic."

Chiron looked from me, to my mother, to Will.

"Would someone care to explain what is going on?" Chiron asked.

"Ah yes," I clapped my hands, "Hello, I am Caius, God of life, mortality and immortality."

"He's my son," my mother added helpfully.

Chiron studied me with interest, "I see we have some talking to do."

I introduce Cai to everyone!
What do you think of him?
Remember to vote, comment and be amazing!
~Em xx

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