PJO Wattys 2018 Results!

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Hey guys! The PJO Watty Results came out today!

I am utterly humbled to announce that The Daughter of Night won first place the HoO General Catagory! I still can't believe how engaged in Ri's story everyone is! She has been my baby for years, and I finally got to writing her story last year, and now I am so happy that I did!

On top of winning its own category, The Daughter of Night also placed in several of the 'Favourite....' Catagories!

2nd Place in 'Favourite Cover' -> I made it myself *flicks hair* (my tip, use Canva!)

2nd Place in Favourite Pairing, Ariadne and Apollo! Ariollo? Apoiande? I can remember what we settled on...

3rd Place in Favourite Title, it just says it like it is!

3rd Place in Favourite Character (Ariadne), isn't she a hoot!)

 3rd Place in Favourite Blurb.

I also won 3rd place in Favourite Author, which is amazing and I love you all for it!

Thank you so much to everyone who voted and read The Daughter Of Night! It means the world to me that you like my books! Head over to The Demigod for more!

~Em xx

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