62- May I Present To You, My Fully Grown Son

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"Crap!" I yelled as Will and Nico rushed me to the Apollo cabin.

"You'll be fine!" Will seemed almost just as panicked as me.

"No, no, not happening." I shook my head, "Not right now!"

"Well I don't think you have much say in it." Nico pointed out.

"Not helping." Will scolded him.

We entered the Apollo cabin and they sat me down on the cot in the middle of the cabin.

"What's happening?" Austin, who was sat on his bed strumming a guitar.

"The baby is coming." Will said.

"Oww!" I yelled as my first contraction hit. "Ow, ow!"

"It's fine, you're fine." Will said.

"Yeah tell me that when you're giving birth to a god." I yelled at Will.

"Good point." Will nodded, "But hey this is a first time for both of us, I've never delivered a god before and you've never given birth to one, so we're both doing something new."

"Have you even delivered a normal baby before?" I asked.

"Well no..." Will trailed off.

"That's reassuring." I declared.

"Just put this on," he tossed me something that resembled a hospital gown.

I went into the bathroom and changed into the gown, it had one of those annoying slits at the back that made my butt very visible and it was too small due to my belly. I pulled it tight and held it together at the back.

I walked back out and sat back down on the cot.

"You okay?" Will asked.

"Oh yeah, I'm amazing." I replied.

"It's going to be okay."

"I know."

"I was actually talking to myself." Will corrected.

"That makes me feel a whole lot better."


"Ow ow ow!" I yelled, a few hours had passed, and it felt like it would never end.

"You're doing really well." Will told me, "It shouldn't be too long now."

"You're just saying that." I glared at him.

"No I swear, you're nine centimetres dilated, it really won't be long." Will promised.

"You'd better not be lying to me Solace." I warned.

"I'm not."

"Ow ow ow ow!" I yelled again.

"Good, breathe, breathe." Kayla told me. All three of Apollo's children were there, Kayla was holding my hand. Austin was just kind of there, whilst Will was being a good little doctor.

"Why don't you breathe," I snapped at her.

"Woa, I'm hurt." Kayla laughed, "And it's not because you're squeezing my hand really hard."

"Sorry!" I loosened my grip.

Kayla laughed again, "Don't worry about it."

"Okay Ri," Will said, "You're ten centimetres, it's time to start pushing."

"Okay, lets do this." I grit my teeth. I was filled with a strange warmth that spread from my stomach al through my body.

"Okay Ri, push now." Will told me.

I pushed. A bright light filled the room. It got brighter and brighter, until I couldn't see anything.

The pain subsided and I rested my head back on the cot. The light faded and there stood a person in full battle armour. He had beautiful blonde hair that faded to dark brown towards the roots. He had obsidian coloured eyes, much like my own.

He held a bronze helmet under one arm and he wore a bronze breastplate.

"Woa." Will marvelled.

"Yeah." Kayla agreed.

"Gods." Austin said.

"Mum?" the person asked.


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~Em xx

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