Twilight 2: Not such a great idea

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Driving towards the school, Bella and I were talking about the old truck Charlie got us as a homecoming gift. "So let me get this straight. Dad got this truck for us as a homecoming gift?" I asked once again, as if I didn't know already. 

"Yeah that's right," Bella said, driving. Stopping a red light, she turns to me with a smirk, "what? Don't like the color?"

I rolled my eyes at her, not enjoying being teased by her. "Well, I'm grateful that we have a car and yes, it's a bit bright yet dull. But I mean c'mon why orange? Couldn't he at least paint it a nice blue color or something?" I whined a little.

 Isabella Swan laughed heartily and I turned to her amazed. I couldn't freakin believe it! I made her laugh, ME, I made her laugh. "Well done, well freakin done!" I self-congratulate.

"You're such an idiot, Annie," she said smiling. 

I kept quiet and stared at her. Her smile was one of happiness growing, much as a spring flower opens. I could see how it came from deep inside to light her eyes and spread into every part of her. A person smiles with more than their mouth, and I heard it in her voice, in the choice of her words and the way she relaxed. It was BEAUTIFUL.

 After a few quick glances at me and looks at me confused. "What?" she asked, losing her bright smile. "You should do that more often," I said, smiling at her. Bella frowns, not understanding what I meant. "Do what?" she asked, confused and my smiled grew.

"Smile," I said. Bella looks taken back and after a few seconds, she shakes her head and smiles yet another beautiful smile, "weirdo," she said.

Although the conversation died, the happy mood stayed. We paid attention to the road, after a few seconds, Bella sighs. She grips the steering wheel a little too tightly. Without having to ask her what's wrong, I already knew. She's probably thinking the same as me. What's going to happen? We're both new kids who moved in the middle of the semester. I mean who does that? I'll tell you, US.

Bella turned to the small yet big high school, 'Fork's High School', where everything changes. As we parked in an empty parking spot, the truck decided to make one ugly loud sound. The sound made the student's head turn to us, Bella shy away. 

I turn to Bella, hold her hand and smiled at her. "Hey, we can do this," I said as I held her arm. Bella turns to me, takes a big breathe, nods and smiles back at me. However, her smile wasn't a reassuring one but more like 'yeah right'. We both climbed out of the truck, however, by the time I got to her side her foot was in a small puddle, soaking her sneaker.

She looks up at me and sighs. "Great," she said, sourly. Bella walks towards me and we start making our way to the school. As we passed a group of teenagers and they were staring at us, one of them made a rude comment trying to be funny.

"Nice car," said the African-American teenager with a letterman jacket. He was Tyler Crowley, one of Bella's future friend, the one who almost killed Bella with his van. His comment made a girl next to him laugh.

I glared at him, "nice face." Gotta admit it wasn't the greatest comeback ever but it was the first thing I thought off. At least my comment made him turn around which was alright with me.

While we were walking towards the school, I notice two distinctly expensive cars on my right side. "Those are nice cars, I wonder who they belong too," Bella said, as we both walked up on the steps.

"We might get to see who owns them after school," I said, making her nod. Obviously, I knew who it was but Bella didn't. Honestly, I'm excited to meet the famous Cullens. I wonder if they'll be any different. Would Alice know who I am or no? Would Edward be able to read my mind or am I like Bella? So man questions, I'm so excited!

Twilight: AnneMarie Charlotte SwanWhere stories live. Discover now