New Moon: Unforgettable

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After leaving the Volturi we got to the airport and Edward got us a private jet to Forks. It's going to be an 18 hours flight to Forks, Washington. During our ride to the airport Bella went to sleep, however, I couldn't stand the idea of sleeping. After witnessing Aro's mind I don't even want to sleep. Edward laid Bella on the larger couch that was in there. I went to sit by myself and Alice went to sit two seats in front of me. 

Occasionally Edward and Alice would glance my way but I ignored them. I continue to stare out the tiny window. I watched as we passed by the clouds. Eventually, I was getting sleepy but I would pinch myself so I could prevent going to sleep. About five hours into our flight Bella woke up screaming. Edward managed to calm her down and since Bella couldn't go back to sleep, they talked about the few months they were away from each other. Throughout the whole flight, I ignored them. 

3rd POV:

When Edward, Alice, Bell, and Annie landed at Fork's Aiport, the whole Cullen family was there waiting for them. Edward, Bella, and Alice went to greet them. Esme first hugged Edward while Alice went to hug Carlisle. Emmet was smiling at them while Rosalie looked guilty. They were extremely happy and thankful that none of them were hurt. Alice turns to Jasper but he wasn't paying attention to them. She turns around and saw Annie in the back with a vulnerable expression. You could see all the hurt, all the pain, and all the anger in her eyes. Annie quickly turns away from Jasper and missed his guilty expression. 

"Annie" Rosalie whispers.

Annie turns to Rosalie and slightly smiles which causes joy in her but envy in Jasper.

"Hiya Rosie," Annie said in a weak voice.

Her voice shocked them, it sounds so broken so weak and it concerned them all, especial Jasper. The Cullens were all thinking what was wrong with Annie. It was understandable that she wasn't going to be happy when she saws them but why was she like this. Why did she look so... so... haunted?

"Annie... what-" Annie cut Rosalie off.

"I'm tired" 

Annie then looks at Bella, ignoring all their stares.

"We should get home. Dad probably has a whole speech for us" Annie said sighing.

She turns to the others who looked concerned and worried.

"See you guys around," Annie said walking pass them.

She ignored their stares, she ignored their guilty and sad expressions, she especially ignored Jasper. She wasn't going to forgive him... not yet anyways... perhaps it was to late for that, perhaps it was too late now. 

Swan's House!~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When the girls got home, Charlie had a whole speech ready for when they got home. And this time he was ready to give it to them. However, all the anger went out the door when he saw Annie's haunted expression. Instead of being angry, he was worried. He quickly went to hug his daughter. Bella and Carlisle, who drove them home, though she was going to hug back were shocked when Annie flinched when Charlie held her. Surprised and hurt Charlie let Annie go just too see her eyes swelled up. She ran into her room leaving a very concerned and worried father. Charlie angrily turned around and started demanding answers to why his daughter was in the state she was in. He wanted to know what in the world happened to her, however, Carlisle couldn't answer any of his questions. And this got Charlie angrier. He told Carlisle that his daughter wouldn't see his boys for a long time, telling Carlisle to get his sons away from his daughter. Charlie told Carlisle that Edward and Jasper only caused them enough pain for a lifetime. Charlie told Bella to get inside and since she didn't want to anger her father in further she did what she was told. Carlisle apologized again before leaving Charlie outside his home.

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