Twilight 5: Swans in trouble

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After school, I waited for Bella by the truck. I was still thinking about my vision or whatever it was. What did it mean? Was it a warning of some sort? How could it be a warning when I already knew they were vampires? Or perhaps it was something else? Did I change something? Have I truly messed up the whole time continuum? I didn't realize that I was spacing out until Bella nudged my side. Looking up I saw Bella was staring at me worriedly. 

"Hey what's up?" she asked leaning next to me. 

Should I tell her about what I saw? And if I do, what will happen? Turning to stare at the Cullens, who were already staring at us. Should I tell her that I know the impossible? I saw Edward narrowed his eyebrow. He was probably reading my mind or something. Sighing I turned back to Bella who was staring at the Cullens. 

Something caught my attention, Bella was holding a golden onion. Wait, what day is it? If she's holding the golden onion than that means... oh shit!!! I turn to look at Edward who was giving me a confused look. Jasper turned to look at me probably feeling my fear. Just like Edward he gave me a confused look. Grabbing onto Bella's arm I tried to pull her. 

"Bella lets go!" I said in a panic voice.

Bella turns to me with a confused look. I tried once again to pull her but she pulled her arm back. I tried to grab her hand again and just like before she pulled away dropping the golden onion.

"Annie what the-" 

Bella began to say but was interrupted by a high pitched screech that quickly grew louder and louder by the second. Bella and I turned to see a van coming directly towards us. At that exact moment, it was as if time itself stopped. As if every sound in the world went silent. Everything was happening in slow motion. I heard Bella soft gasped, saw Tyler's shielding his scared face, I saw how the water moved side to side as the tires slide towards us. 

I didn't know what happened, I didn't know how it happened but suddenly I heard the most beautiful voice calling out to me. It sounded familiar yet foreign. The voice was telling me to shield myself and Bella. Screaming at me to move away, begging me to run, to do something instead of standing there. I heard his cries for help. I heard he's pleaded, screaming my name over and over again. Begging God to protect me. 

Abruptly everything unfreezes and quickly fast forwards times, the van smashes into the back of the truck, Bella was pushed onto the ground away from danger, I was pushed back hitting the back of my head in the process, someone's hand was around my waist, opening my eyes i see Edward staring down at me with guilty eyes. Both staring at one another not saying a word, I mean what could we say? Hearing a gasped we both turned to see Bella staring at something. We both turned to see Edward's hand that created a deep dent on the side of the van. No one said anything we were all trying to absorb what just happened. We were silent staring at one another. 

The screaming began, yelling out our names and for help. People leap to Tyler's aid, running towards Bella and me. As our friends came to our aid, Edward took this opportunity to escape. Mike helped Bella up and Eric helped me up.

"Are you girls okay? What the hell happened? Are you hurt? Did anyone see anything?" 

They asked over and over again. However we couldn't talk, we were speechless. We didn't know how to respond to anything. We didn't know what was real or what was not. 

"I have the police on the phone," a girl said. 

Amid the chaos, I turn to see the other Cullens, Jasper was staring at me with horror written all over his face, Emmett furiously holding him back, whispering something in his ear, Alice staring with concerned and worried, and Rosalie was concerned yet was furious. I turned to Bella who was shocked and scared. I hugged her and she hugged back tightly. 

Twilight: AnneMarie Charlotte SwanWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu