New Moon 14: Vote

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I woke up, breathing hard. I tried to catch my breath when Bella comes into my room looking at me worried. Edward comes behind her staring at me with the same expression. I looked away from their stares and wiped away a fallen tear. 

"What?" I asked turning to them.

Bella and Edward frowned at the coldness of my voice. Bella steps forward but I moved away from her. She stops and frowns.

"Mmm, I'm going to the Cullens-"

"It's-"I grabbed my phone and checked the time.

"3:45 am, Bella. What's so important that can't wait until the morning?" I asked. 

I knew why they were here, at this hour. But c'mon couldn't she at least wait another hour or so? Bella gives me a stare and I sighed. I got out of bed and went to my closet to get me a sweater. I notice that the bear Alice gave me wasn't in the trash but on top of my dresser. I grabbed it and threw it back to the trash. I ignored Bella confused stared and Edward's shocking expression. I simply walked passed them, quickly walked down the stairs and slowly opening the front door. I walked over to Edward's car, Edward and Bella were already there since they came out of the window. Before climbing into his car a loud howl filled the night sky. Sighing I knew who's howl that was but I didn't know why Sam was howling at this time of night. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cullen's house~~~~~~~~~~~

Edward drove us to his house, Bella called an emergency family meeting. Edward and Bella walked in front of me. I walked slowly and realized the house was restored back to its original warmth and beauty. Suddenly the memory of my nightmare before leaving Forks came to me. It was as if I was reliving the nightmare. 

"Annie?" I heard Carlisle concerned voice.

Shaking my head I turn to him and the others. They had the same worried and concerned expression. Looking around believing this was a dream I pinched myself. Feeling the sting of the pinched I nodded and went to sit on a chair next to the stairs. I sat there not saying a word. After a few seconds, Bella sighed. Bella and Edward went to the stairs as the others surrounded them.

"You all know what Edward wants. And you know what I want. But I won't force myself on you" Bella starts her speech and looks around the room.

Carlisle and Esme were on the left side of the living room. Alice and Jasper were in the middle, Rosalie and Emmett were on the right side. 

"I think the only fair way to handle this is by vote--"

"You can't be serious--" Edward interrupted Bella.

"Shut it, this is my meeting," Bella said firmly. 

Edward sits back, frustrated. Bella faces us again. 

"Alice?" Bella asked.

"I'll always consider you and Annie my sisters," Alice said hugging Bella and she smiles.

"My vote is yes," Alice said turning to me.

Alice went back to Jasper and he stared at Bella.

"I vote yes" Jasper turns to me.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't possibly think of any life without knowing Annie" Jasper told me.

Instead of feeling happy and loved, I felt angry. How could he say any of that? How can he say he's sorry? What the fuck is he sorry for? Is he sorry for calling me a slut? Is he sorry lieing to me? Is he sorry for leaving me? Is he sorry for making me believe he loved me? There are so many things he could be sorry and yet none of them can be forgiven. Not now anyways. 

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