Twilight 14: This is real

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At that moment everything stops. Everyone's face turned white with fear. Emmett growled a warning and Rosalie hissed furiously. Jasper got off of James but instead of letting him off. He placed his foot on James' throat. Jasper's eyes weren't golden but black. A truly menacing, animalist, feral snarl ripped from Jasper's throat. Pressing his foot on James' throat Victoria growls back.

"Let him go" Victoria growled.

With one last growl, Jasper let go of James. James quickly stands up and turns to Victoria, who still haven't let go of Annie. With the vilest smirk, Victoria puts both of her hands on Annie's neck and her delicate bone's break. We watched her lifeless body hit the ground as Bella's loud piercing scream filled the forest. We all know that we can never truly feel another's pain, but Bella's scream, her scream, came so close. It's the kind of scream that makes your blood run cold, the scream that makes everything go on hold, a scream filled with disbelief, torment, pain, and pure agony.


We all turned to the edge of the forest where I saw three figures slowly approaching us. Laurent, Victoria, and James three of the most ruthless vampires the Cullen's meet. Jasper and Alice stood protectively in front of me. I turn to look at Bella and just like Jasper, Edward was standing in front of her protecting Bella. As they get near us, I notice that Victoria was the one with bare feet. They stopped a few feet from us Laurent glances my way before turning to Carlisle.

"I believe this belongs to you," he said holding up the baseball.

Laurent tosses the ball, however to my human eyes all I saw was a quick blur. Carlisle easily catches it and stares at them.

"Thank you" Carlisle offers them a politely smile.

"I'm Laurent. This is Victoria. And James" he said introducing this coven.

"I am Carlisle and this is my family," he said turning to us.

They didn't say anything so Carlisle continues.

"I'm afraid that your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us" Carlisle comments.

Laurent and Victoria quickly glance at me before turning to Carlisle. I notice that James was staring at me which I didn't like. Subconsciously I moved closer to Jasper and James didn't like that he glared at us.

"Our apologies. We didn't realize the territory had been claimed" Laurent said making Victoria smirk

"Well, yes we maintain a permanent residence nearby" Carlisle tell them.

Laurent and Victoria looked surprised.

"Really? Well, we won't be a problem anymore" Laurent said.

"The humans were tracking us, but we led them East you should be safe" Victoria said smirking.

While they were having their conversation, I felt Alice go stiff and I turn to her. She had a blank face, then I turn to Edward who had looked confused and worried, Alice must be having a vision and Edward is seeing it. I poke Jasper and he glances down at me. I nodded towards Alice, looking up he noticed Alice in the middle of a vision. He walks closer to Alice shielding her from the intruders. I turn to James and he was staring intensely at me.

"Could you use three more players?" I heard Laurent asked.

Besides, James, Alice, and Edward we all turn to Carlisle.

"Just one game," Laurent said with a chuckle.

"Okay, some of us were leaving you can take their spots. We bat first" Carlisle said

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