Twilight 9: let's start over

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My dad didn't allow me to go to school today neither did he let Bella go. He said we had to stay home until Dr. Cullen gives me the green light. He wanted Bella to stay with me so I wouldn't be alone. Mother hasn't stopped calling me since she found out about Waylon. She said we needed to come home but dad convinced her to let us stay. Whatever he told her to put her to ease real quick. I don't need to know but I am thankful we weren't going to Flordia.

Bella told me what happened during school, after school, what happened with Edward, and she told me she knew their secret.

"I know, they're vampires," I said.

Bella's face was priceless. She slowly got up, picked up one of my pillows and started to whack me with it.

"What?? Bella, stop!! Bells, stop it! Isabella!" I screamed out as she whacked me with my own pillow.

"Why" whack

"Didn't" whack

"You" whack

"Tell" whack

"Your" whack

"Own" whack

"Fraternal" whack

"Twin" whack

"Sister" before she had the chance to whack me again I took the pillow away from her.

Bella stood on the bed glaring at me. I pointed the pillow towards her.

"In my defense, would you believe, let alone, even consider the possibility of them being vampires?" I asked,

Bella looks at me, considering this. After a moment she plops down the bed, crosses her arms and pouts.

"No, I would have thought you were crazy" she admits.

"Yeah 'cause thinking someone has superpower is normal?" I said rolling my eyes.

"Whatever," she said.

I went next to her handing her the pillow. She puts the pillow behind her.

"Man, when did you get strong?" I asked rubbing my head.

Bella turns to me and gives me a guilty smile.

"Did I hit you that hard?" She asked.

"Hard enough to make my head hurt,"I said.

Bella smiles, hugs me, and brings me down to the bed.

"AHH" I screamed.

When we both hit the bed, we looked at each other and started to laugh. It felt good just to laugh, it seems like we haven't laughed in a while. We laughed for a while until we both slowly stop, staring at the ceiling. Neither of us said anything after a while I sighed deeply.

"So what are you gonna do about Edward?" I asked turning to face her.

Bella turns to me and frowns.

"Don't know... confront him?"

"Are you asking or telling me?" I asked teasing.

Bella rolls her eyes but smiles.

"I'm gonna confront him"

"What are you hoping to happen after you confront him?" I asked.

Bella stares at me and frowns.

"I don't know. Hopefully, he doesn't run away from me" she said.

It was quiet, i kept on staring at Bella while she thinks. Bella takes a deep breath.

Twilight: AnneMarie Charlotte SwanWhere stories live. Discover now